Not Him

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I sat in Paul's office. the season ended a few days ago with the stars not making playoffs. the stress of the season had been taking a toll on me and Ty. It was hard for him not meeting everyone's expectations and I was starting training to become the head of the training and equipment manager's position. Between the both of us it seemed like we had no time or each other.   

Around 7:30 that night Paul said we were done training. "go home and try to get some sleep."

"Alright i'll see you tomorrow then." I said grabbing my bag

"No you won't, " he said. I gave him a confused look before he pulled the rink keys out of his pocket. "you're done training. You're the boss now so don't screw it up."

"I thought you were here till the end of the month though?"

"I've taught you all I can. there's no point in me sticking around longer than I have to you'll do great. so go home and celebrate."

he had his arm held out for a handshake but I pushed it aside and pulled him into a hug. he had taught me everything I knew about being a trainer. he gave me a shot and took a huge change on hiring me.

"i'm gonna miss seeing your stupid face here everyday. You better come back and visit us." I said pulling away.

"of course I have to make sure you aren't burning the place to the ground." he said walking out

I looked round my office and sat down at my desk to see a small box sitting in the middle of the desk. I opened it to see a plaque

   Elizabeth Winters Head Trainer

I smiled to myself before grabbing my bag and locking the office door. 

I walked in the door and threw my bag on the table and walked into the living room to see two girls sitting on my couch. they turned to look at me.

"who are you?" a blond girl in a tight skirt that barely covered anything asked.

"I'm the woman who lives here and who the hell are you?"

"I'm Amy and that's Brittany. Tyler invited us over. Are you like his sister or something?" she asked giggling. I realised she was drunk.

"No I'm about to be his worst nightmare." I said before storming into the kitchen. I saw him grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Tyler why the hell are there two bimbos sitting on our couch?!?!" I yell.

he turned with a shocked look on his face. I could tell he'd had a drink or two, he wasn't drunk but he defiantly wasn't sober. Just as I was about to start yelling again I saw Bent stumble out from the bathroom.

Brent was a friend of Tyler's from Boston. I hated him because he was a disgusting pig who did nothing but try to hit on me and blame me for taking away his party buddy.  

Jamie walked out looking frustrated and like he was ready to kill Brent.

"what the hell is going on Jamie?"

"Ty invited me to go out for a few drinks and when I showed up I saw Brent was with him already drunk off his ass. and Tyler was a few drinks in."

"and there are two half naked girls on my couch because?"

"Brent invited them back here and I've been too busy trying to handle his drunk ass to get them a cab home." he said turning around when Brent fell off the bar stool.

"They said Tyler invited them back here so things are looking bad for him right now."

 "Eli I promise you Tyler didn't even know they were coming back here. we took a cab home together and Brent took one with them. We both thought he was going to one of their places but they were only interested in spending time with Tyler and I so they convinced Brent to bring them back here and Brent being the stupid idiot he is did. Tyler was trying to convince me to take him to the rink to see you but I thought him drunk at the rink could cause some problems if anyone saw him. he's been trying to drink water to sober up since. he really wanted to see you"

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