At Long Last

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it had been few days since the guys left for their road trip. Ally, Abby and I had spent most of the time together except for when we had to go to work. the past four nights consisted of us sleeping in either mine or Ally's apartment since they were in the same building.

we watched movies and face timed with the boys whenever we could. this morning I was the first one up and decided to grab a shower before anyone else got into the bathroom. I waited till the corners of the mirrors steamed up before I got in and washed my hair with my grapefruit shampoo. after I finished everything in the shower I hoped out and dried off with a towel before wrapping it around me just as my phone went off.

I saw it was Tyler and without thinking I answered it his face popping up on the screen. before he could say anything his jaw went slack. I looked down realising the only thing covering me was a towel. I blushed before he let out a hearty chuckle saying

"you're going to be the death of me woman."

I rolled my eyes before asking

"why did you call this early?"

"sorry I forgot about the time difference its 10 over here and I just wanted to say good morning before practise since I probably wont be able to talk to you until after the game."

I smiled at the sweet gesture before someone on Tyler's end yelled that they had to get going.

"you should go i'll call you after the game." I said

"okay well I'll talk to you later." I said with my finger hovering over the end call button

"bye, love you." he said before the phone went dead. I didn't have time to answer back I just sat on my bed unable to move from the shock of what he had said.

after a few minutes I got up and changed into some sweatpants and a tank top that cut down under my arms to my waist exposing my sides. I cooked breakfast still half in a daze. the smell of bacon must have woken up the girls since they both came walking into the kitchen as I put everything onto plates.

they noticed my dazed state and asked

"is something wrong?"

"no not really. it's just I was on the phone with Tyler this morning and he was rushed to get out to the bus so right before he hung up he said he loved me," I said "i didn't have time to respond before he hung up."

the girls looked at each other before getting an evil grin on their faces.

"you know what this means right." Ally said

"we're going to Victoria secret." Abby said finishing her sentence

I only blushed in response before we finished eating. they went and got ready while I goofed around on my phone.

45 minutes later they were packed and ready to go. we all piled into my pickup and drove to the mall. once I parked it we all got out and they dragged me over to VS. once we entered the store the girls immediately set out trying to find the perfect thing for me. I went to the dressing room as they threw countless bras and underwear over. finally I settled on a lacy black and green set.

then Ally found me a partly see-through robe that had the stars logo on it. the girls seemed satisfied with their work and after checking out we decided to walk around the mall for a little while. we passed a tattoo shop that had a sign saying


I took it as a sign and nudged the girls letting them know I was going in. they both exchanged glances before following me in.

I walked to the front desk and asked if I would be able to get work done now. after the lady checked she offered to do the tattoos for me.

I knew the quote I wanted to get and handed over a design (the tattoo in the picture plus birds flying away. after a few minutes she returned and began the tattoo gun. the needle stung but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

I knew all the pain was worth it. she went over the procedure of how to care for it before ringing me up. I walked out with the bandage covering my ribs.

Ally showed me the video she had taken before she posted it to her twitter tagging Tyler in it.

soon after she set it I got a text from Tyler

"you're killing me." was all it said. I rolled my eyes before the girls and I all grabbed some food and went back to my apartment and continued our girl's day.


I finished breakfast with Jamie before I went back up to the room and called Eli. she picked up after the first ring but I couldn't speak when she appeared in only a towel. I quickly regained my composure trying my best to flirt with her.

after a few minutes Jamie came in telling me it was time to go. without thinking I blurted out that I loved her. I quickly hung up afraid of how she would answer back.

I had known for a long time that I loved her I just wanted to find a more special way to tell her. I sighed with frustration deciding to give her some space to process what I had said but it was mostly so I wouldn't have to face the rejection of her not feeling the same way.


the boys had done well on the rest of the road trip but Ty seemed to be avoiding me since every time I tried to call he said he was busy or couldn't answer. today was the day the team got back and Abby was going to pick up Jordie and Ty so I could surprise Tyler when he got home.

not long after Abby left I heard the door open and Tyler drop his bags onto the floor. I walked out of the kitchen to see him running a hand through his hair. e hadn't noticed me so I timidly cleared my throat. his eyes snapped in my direction as his eyes roamed my body.

he stuttered trying to get a sentence together but just gave up shaking his head with a smirk on his lips.

"you told me you loved me so I though I'd show you I loved you back." I said taking a few steps toward him.

he walked up to me closing the space between us and kissing my lips.

I wish I'd found a better way to tell you it's just.." he started to say before I cut him off wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my height kissing him. he moved his hands to my waist before picking me up and placing me on his hips and moving his hands to hold my thighs.

"i love you." was all he said before he threw me over his shoulder and carried me up to his bed tossing me down before straddling me. I fussed with the buttons on his shirt before getting fed up and just ripped them open as he opened my robe to reveal my still bandaged side. he removed it running his thumb gently over the fresh ink before he returned is lips to mine.

the next morning I woke up to feel arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist and a solid chest pressed into my back. I felt a sloppy kiss on my cheek before I turned around to find Tyler with a grin on his face.

"get up," he said "i have a fun day planned for us."

and with that he left leaving me to get ready.

Catching a Falling Star a Tyler Seguin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now