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"I'm going where?" Dallon sighed and looked back at Brendon.

"Don't make me say it again, Urie."

"I just found it funny how you decided to tell me the day after I agree to go undercover that Ryan happens to co-own a gay bar?" Dallon laughed at Brendon's reaction. 

"That's why we chose you!"

"I'm not gay, for fuck's sake!" Dallon smirked and went back to doing his work. Brendon rubbed his forehead and went back to Spencer's office. He gestured to his white button down shirt(rolled up at the sleeves), black suspenders, dark red bowtie and thick glasses.

"This good?"

"Very sexy, Urie," Spencer said chuckling. Brendon grinned and sat down. "So, I hope you've familiarized yourself with Ryan's appearance. All you have to do is spark a conversation. We have a camera in the bar and back alleyway."

"Sounds good."

"I know many people, especially Agent Weekes, think very little of you, but I think you can pull it off." Brendon smiled at him. Spencer held out his hand for Brendon to shake. "Go catch us a killer, Agent Urie." Brendon left the office beaming inside. That was the first time he was addressed as an agent. As Brendon approached the doors, Dallon blocked his path.

"Looks like we might not be seeing a lot of each other for a while, Dally-boy."

"Indeed, Brenny-Poo."

"Anything you'd like to say?"

"Don't screw up my case, Urie!" Dallon shouted as he walked away. Brendon shook his head and walked out into the cool night to his car. It was 9:50. According to his source at the bar, Kyle, Ryan shows up around 10:20 and sits at the corner stool at the bar. He had 30 minutes to get there. At 10:30, late, per usual for him, he pulled into the parking lot. He fixed his bowtie and took a deep breath.

"You can do this, Brendon. You have to," he whispered and went inside. The room was filled with men; some drinking, dancing, eating, talking, kissing..And then Brendon spotted him. Ryan Ross, his caramel brown hair sticking out in different directions, hard to miss. Unlike Brendon's semi-formal attire, Ryan was wearing a gray shirt, leather jacket, and black skinny jeans that fit well in all the right places. He lifted his drink up, but before he could take a sip, his light eyes met Brendon's dark ones. He looked down and then back up flirtaciously and finished his drink. Brendon took a deep breath and started making his way to Ryan. After a few ass-grabs and winks in his direction, he made his way over to the corner stool at the bar. 

"Hey stranger," Ryan said, smiling up at Brendon. 

Brendon mentally composed himself. "This seat taken?"

"Now it is." Brendon sat down on the stool next to him.

"Can I get you a drink?" Brendon offered. 

"If that'll get me more time with you, then of of course." Brendon held up two fingers to get the bartender's attention. The bartender nodded and got two drinks.

"So, stranger, got a name?"

"Brendon, spelled with an O."

"Nice to meet you, Brendon with an O. I'm Ryan." 

"Cheers to that." They clinked their drinks together and took a sip.

"You from around here?"

"My whole life."

"Why haven't I seen you here before?"

"I just came out to my friend who then told his very openly gay friend who told me I should come here," Brendon said, reciting the story he's been memorizing.

"What's his name? I know most people in here,"

"Um, it's-"

"Brendon! Didn't realize that was you!" One of the bartenders grinned at him. His savior was the FBI's source, Kyle.

"Kyle, hey! We were just talking about you!"

"All good things, I hope," he said, cleaning a glass.

"Nothing but the best."

"So Kyle, why haven't you told me about your attractive, newly outted friend?" Kyle shrugged and went to help another customer. Ryan turned back to Brendon and grinned.

"So, have you ever listened to Blink-182?" And so, their three hour conversation began.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Bobbi because she keeps bugging me to update. Also, prepare for a little bit o' sexy time in the next chapter

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