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Brendon woke up to several text tones. He groaned and rolled over. They were all from Ryan and they all just had one word. '-Brendonnnnn' He picked up his phone and another text came through. '-I'm so BrenDONE texting you answer for fuck's sake' Brendon rolled his eyes and decided to call him.

"What the hell do you want?"

"What the hell do I want? You texted me like 7 times already. It's too early for this.

"Dude, it's 12:15." Brendon scrambled out of bed.

"Shit, I slept late."

"You just got up?"


"I bet your hair is all cute and messy." Brendon felt himself start blushing and couldn't help but smile.

"I love how you're so up front with how you feel, Ryan."

"You know it, boo."

"Oh dear god, never call me boo again."

"Make me!" Brendon froze. Ryan just said the worst possible thing ever. 'Make me' was the sentence that created the most sexual tension. It was also the sentence that caused Brendon and Sarah to kiss for the first time. Memories came flooding back to him when Ryan brought him back to reality.


"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go to the movies later."

"Sure, what's out?"

"Insidious 3 is out. You like scary movies?" Brendon pulled off his shirt and went to his closet to pick an outfit out. 

"Hell yeah!I practically grew up on them."

"Good, can't have you crying on me the whole time." He put his outfit on the bed and smiled.

"Would you complain, though?"

Ryan laughed. "Good point, my friend. Meet me at like 8-ish."

"Of course. See ya."

"Bye boo."

"Fuck off, dude." Ryan laughed and hung up. Brendon put the phone down and flopped on the bed.

"I'm doing on a date with Ryan Ross. "He smiled to himself in disbelief. He decided to get dressed early so he didn't have to rush later. He put his t-shirt on and a pair of jeans. He wrapped his flannel around his waist. After a few hours, it was almost 8. Grabbing his keys and wallet, he decided to head to the theater. He sent Dallon a quick text to let him know his was going to the movies with Ryan. When he pulled into the parking lot, he saw Ryan sitting on a bench, hands in his lap and legs swinging. It reminded of a little kid waiting for something. He closed the car door and started walking to the bench. 

"Hey boo!" he yelled. Ryan turned around and beamed at him.

"I thought you hated that," he said standing up. Brendon smiled and shrugged. They met halfway and Brendon pulled Ryan into a tight hug. Ryan rested his head on Brendon's shoulder. Brendon released him and took his hand.

"Let's go inside." Hand-in-hand they strolled into the theater, ignoring the weird looks as they walked past.

A/N: I think this is literally the shittiest thing I have ever written in my entire life jfc. This was just setting up the next chapter which I find cute AF. Anywayyyy, I'm also spending a lot of time on The Bet and I'm thinking of starting a Petekey story so I'm quite excited. Okay byeeee

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