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A/N: ARE YA PLEASED NOW BOBBI?? Fluffy/domestic af and look! there's actually a plot!

Also gore/throwing up warning

The next tree months, Brendon and Ryan only grew closer. Everyday they would hang out/go somewhere/just be together whenever possible. The killings continued and the MO was even more impossible to figure out. Men, women, young, old, black white, anyone was a target


They woke up on the couch in Ryan's apartment one morning. The night before, Brendon came over to watch The Breakfast Club and fell asleep before the end. Ryan had curled up into Brendon's arms and their legs were tangled together. Brendon opened his eyes as Don't You Forget About Me started playing, yet again.

"Damn menu loop," he mumbled. Ryan opened his eyes slowly, like a fucking Disney princess. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Ryan chuckled and yawned loudly.

"Let's go to the zoo today!" Brendon laughed at Ryan's sudden outburst. He kissed his temple and smiled.

"The zoo? I haven't been there in ages. Let's do it." Ryan smiled and got up.

"Want some coffee?"

"Sure." He put the coffee in the machine and the small house soon started smelling like it. Ryan turned on the TV and went to pour the coffee. Brendon turned on the news, where he knew there would be coverage of the killings.

"Are those the Chelsea Pines murders?" Ryan yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" Ryan came back in the room and handed Brendon a mug. He sat down on the couch next to him and put an arm around his shoulder.

"This shit is messed up," he said, looking at the side of Brendon's head instead of the TV.

"Yeah, it is."

"Like what psychopath can do this shit to a person? Not even a person, multiple people! It just fucking disgusts me."

"I get that, Ry. Can we swing by my place so I can freshen up?"

"Sure." He clicked the TV off and went to Ryan's car. Brendon gave him directions to the apartment and they started driving.

"Man, I hate you."

Brendon tilted his head and asked, "Why?"

"You have a nice car, nice apartment and you're fucking beautiful." Brendon smiled and leaned in to kiss him. "Not so fast, pretty boy. Brush your teeth, then we'll talk." Brendon rolled his eyes and led Ryan up to the apartment. "It's so empty."

"Just moved in recently."

"Oh, that's cool." Ryan sat down on the couch and Brendon went to get some clothes. He changed his pants and pulled his shirt off when he heard Ryan shout. He threw his shirt across the room and ran into the living room where Ryan was screaming.


"Nothing. I just wanted to see you shirtless." Brendon rolled his eyes and Ryan sat there with a stupid grin on his face.

"You're like a fucking high schooler, Ry, oh my god." Ryan got up and wrapped his arm around Brendon's neck. Brendon backed away as Ryan leaned in to kiss him. "If I remember correctly, you said, and I quote, 'Brush your teeth then we'll talk'. So calm your dick, Ross." Ryan just looked at Brendon wordlessly.

"You telling me to calm my dick isn't helping me calm my dick, Bren." Brendon rolled his eyes and went back to put on his shirt, brush his teeth and fix his hair. He strolled back to Ryan and smiled.


"Where's my kiss, Urie?" Brendon smiled and slammed his lips against Ryan's, sending him flying onto the couch. He broke away and smiled again.

"Happy now?" Ryan licked his lips and nodded furiously. They stood up and left the apartment. After fifteen minutes or so, they arrived at the zoo. Brendon took Ryan's hand in his and they went to get their tickets.

"So, what's your favorite animal?" Brendon asked.

"I'm a fan of penguins. You?"

"When I was a kid, I had an unhealthy obsession with giraffes. They were fucking everywhere, man. I used to sneak into my dad's office and print out pictures of them when he was asleep, and he'd just roll his eyes in the morning when he saw them taped to my wall."

"That's so cute, Jesus fucking Christ."

"Why do you like penguins?"

"I relate to them on a spiritual level. They can't fly, like the cold, and a lot of them are gay." Brendon laughed until his sides hurt and Ryan smiled proudly.

"Let's just go see the tigers, idiot." They walked through the zoo and looked at all the animals. Only stopping for some ice cream and pictures, they covered the whole zoo before 1:00. Strolling through the zoo, Ryan rested his head on Brendon's shoulder.

"So now what?"

"We can go back to my place? Watch a movie, have some dinner, et cetra-"

"OH MY GOD! SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE!" The two looked at each other and ran towards the screaming woman. She was by the exotic bird habitats. The birds were all screeching hideously when they arrived. On the floor was a man, clearly dead. His throat was slit from ear to ear, face still in an expression of shock.

"Holy shit," Ryan exclaimed. "I'm gonna-" He rushed behind a bush and Brendon winced at the sounds he was making. He pulled out his phone and called Dallon.

"You need to get to the zoo, immediately."

"On my way." He put his phone back in his pocket and went over to the woman.

"That's- that's my husband. Why David, WHY?!" Brendon let her sob into his chest until the cops came. They pulled the woman aside and he kept all his focus on comforting Ryan, who was shaking.

"Can I talk to you, sir?" Dallon approached the two, in those annoying shades of his and crossed his arms.

"Sure." He kissed Ryan's head and went to the side with Dallon. "Can he please fucking go?"

"Not yet, we need to question-"

"Look, I had my eyes on Ryan the whole fucking day, and all day yesterday as well, he fucking obviously didn't do this. We heard the woman screaming, saw the guy and I called you so, again, can I please fucking take Ryan home?" Brendon's skin squirmed as Dallon judged him from behind his dark glasses.

"Fine. Don't let him out of your fucking sight, Urie. We'll be in touch." Brendon nodded and went back to Ryan.

"C'mon, let's go home." Ryan nodded and hoisted himself up. Brendon wrapped his arm around him and they walked back to the car. They sat down and sat in silence. Ryan sniffled and stared out the windowshield, where the ambulance was rolling away a gurney with a body bag on it. Brendon watched Ryan, close to tears, and felt something tearing the strings in his heart.

"Let's just go," Ryan whispered. Brendon started the car and put one hand on Ryan's thigh.

"It's going to be okay-"

"Please, don't tell me it's going to be okay. It can happen to anyone at anytime, Bren. I'm scared. Scared to lose you, scared to lose someone else close to me. I'm fucking terrified and not even ashamed to admit it."

"They're gonna catch this son of a bitch, Ry. I promise."

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