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A/N: I'm sitting here listening to Mindless Self Indulgence and writing an emotionally traumatizing/ cute/ Ryden filled chapter because, hey, that's me. Anyway..

The clock ticked away slowly, as if it was counting away his life. He wished it was that simple, the clock hit twelve and bam, it was over. All over. But he couldn't leave, not yet anyway. He was in a good place. He was happy. But this? This pushed him over the line. This was shit he never needed to see, but he did. Living constantly in a state of fear really did put a damper on things.

Curfew was set at 9 o'clock, distancing him from his investigation, the few friends he's made, also distancing himself from Ryan, even.

Maybe it was a good thing he was slightly distanced from Ryan.

He couldn't face him in this state, couldn't let him see the constant stream of tears running down his face, the taste of the salt on his lips as they quivered.

Brendon was, for the first time in a while, truly a mess. This entire case rested on his and the FBI's shoulders, and that was a lot of pressure for someone in their first time out in the field. He busied himself in research, every murder, every victim, every piece of evidence.

He jumped across the bed in search of his phone, needing to text Ryan and check up on him. He just got the usual, I'm fine! You don't have to worry. Love you x and of course, since Brendon was absolutely head over heels for Ryan, he believed every word he said.

Ryan put his phone down and pressed his face into the pillow. He wasn't okay(he promised). Like Brendon, his thoughts were consumed in fear, battling thoughts of "What if I get killed?" or "What if they get to Brendon?" He pushed those aside and went to go do something productive like take a shower or make some breakfast, shit like that. As he stood up from his bed, an idea came to his mind. He needed a way to distract himself. Guitar didn't work, listening to music didn't work, watching TV didn't work. There was only one way he could think of that could help.



"It's so great to hear your voice, you have no idea, Ry. What's up?"

"I need to see you." Brendon's heart plummeted.

"Um, okay, is everything-"

"I just," Ryan's voice broke as he spoke. "Just really fucking need you right now." Brendon looked at his laptop screen and without hesitation, slammed it shut.

"Okay, I'll be over in a few." He hung up and literally squealed with excitement. He rushed to his room and changed out of the pajamas he's been wearing for like four days. After driving just a tad over the speed limit, he showed up at Ryan's apartment, not before picking up a little collection of flowers and a six-pack of beer. He pounded on the door and after a second, Ryan flung it open, and flung himself into his boyfriend's arms. He buried his face into Brendon's and chuckled.

"I miss you so much," he whispered and Brendon couldn't help but smile, after all, the most amazing guy in the world was clinging onto him for dear life.

"I miss you too, holy shit." Ryan removed himself from Brendon's arms and looked at him, smiling like an idiot.

"Where did my manners go, come on inside!" Brendon chuckled and stepped inside behind his boyfriend. Ryan's little apartment felt very home-y to Brendon, it did the first time he went inside.

"Have a seat, make yourself feel at home."

"Why are you acting like it's my first time here?" Ryan shrugged and smiled, opening two beers and sitting down on the couch beside Brendon. Brendon took the beer and laid across the couch, placing his head in Ryan's lap. Ryan swallowed nervously, since he couldn't remember the last time anyone was that close to his dick, in all honesty. He stroked Brendon's hair mindlessly. They sat quietly on the couch, just enjoying each other's company.

"Oh, how it's been so long," Brendon whispered thoughtfully. Ryan smiled down at him and kissed his (large) forehead.

"Too long, in my opinion. How've you been?"

"I don't think I can even put my feelings into words at this point." Ryan leaned over and took Brendon's hand and squeezed it.

"It's okay." Brendon smiled and closed his eyes. For the first time in a while. He felt safe. He looked up at Ryan and smiled.

"Hey Ry?"


"Did you know I love you?"

Ryan smiled and pecked his lips quickly. "Oh, do you now?" Brendon nodded. "Prove it."

"Prove it? Do you mean-"

"Yep, that's exactly what I mean." Brendon sat up and looked at Ryan. Ryan smirked and Brendon knew.

"Confession time?" Ryan nodded and turned to face Brendon. "I've never, um, Jesus I feel awkward saying it. I've never like, done it with a guy." Ryan processed this information and nodded slowly. He scooted a little closer and rubbed his hand up and down Brendon's back.

"It's not that hard, shit wrong choice of wording, but yeah. And obviously you don't have to." Brendon nodded quickly.

"I know, but I want to." Ryan smiled and without hesitation connected his lips to Brendon's, unbuttoning his shirt and Brendon tugged his own off. "This couch is really fucking small," Brendon said in between kisses.

"Fuck off, your place isn't any better." He kissed Brendon's neck, provoking some weird ass animalistic noise to come( ;) ) from the back of his throat. Without breaking their connection, they stood up and stumbled into the bedroom, closing the door behind them and not even caring about some serial killer on the loose or the other shit happening in the world.

For the night, it was just them, and discovering parts of each other they never knew

A/N: Wtf was that last sentence I'm cringing but yeah I'm not writing the sexy times because it'd be stupid like "lol there's a dick now" or something. But enjoy I guess

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