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A/N: This chapter is short and shitty(like me lol) but it reminded me there's more to the plot just than the Ryden parts. This one's for you, Bobbi

"Something doesn't seem right here."

"Come on it?" Dallon held the door open as Brendon rushed inside. 

"Hello Brendon!" Dallon's wife, Breezy, who he's met a few times, greeted him from the kitchen.

"Hey Breezy."

"Can I get you a drink? Something to eat?"

"I'm fine, thank you." She smiled and disappeared back into the kitchen.

"What exactly doesn't seem right, Urie?"

"I don't think Ryan is behind the murders. And I'm almost positive he didn't commit them." Dallon crossed his arms.

"And why is this?" Brendon explained to him about how scared Ryan was at the movies over the stupid effects in Insidious. 

"If someone is scared shitless at stupid movie effects, how could they slit a shit ton of women's throats?"

"Well, Urie, for once you're right. You say you went to the movie at 7:45? We found another body at 9, but the coroner said he was killed at 8:30-"

"Wait, you said he?"

"The killer's changed their MO." Brendon sighed and leaned back.

"Well. Shit. What do we do now?"

"Same as with the rest of the vics. Last known wherabouts, background info, stuff like that. And you can go out with your little boyfriend and get some more information for us."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"If he wasn't your boyfriend, you wouldn't be fighting this so much." Brendon rolled his eyes and stood up.

"You know what? I am going out with my 'boyfriend' and I'll prove to you he has nothing to do with these murders."

"Be my guest, Urie. Don't get yourself hurt, physically or emotionally."

"Aw, you do care about me, Weekes. How sweeeeet."

"I'm not a souless monster, Brendon." Brendon walked to the door and opened it.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." He ducked out of the way and closed the door as Dallon through a pillow at him.

A/N: This was so bad I'm sorry but like Dallon has a soul awe, the next chapter is kinda cute

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