1 - How About a Cliché Start?

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Sam woke up to hear his brother shuffling around downstairs. He glanced over at the clock beside his bed and groaned, 6:30am. He pulled himself out of bed to get ready for the torture known as school. Of course he didn't think of it like that though.

Dean gave him annoyed look as Sam ran down the stairs, throwing an apple at his little brother. Sam caught it with ease as they walked out of the house, Dean locking it behind him. "You weren't up first for once?"

"I was studying last night," Sam said. Dean just gave him a seriously look, before shrugging his bag over his shoulder.

"I don't see what you find so interesting about the whole soulmates thing," Dean said before opening the door to his 67 black Chevy Impala, or as he called it, his Baby.

Sam sighed as he got in the passenger seat. He found the soulmate idea fascinating.

Everyone in the world was born without the ability to see colours. When you first met your soulmate, the colours would suddenly appear, simple as that. It wasn't always necessarily talking to the person, anything that could count to a certain level of knowing the person would work. No one knew why or how this happened, it was just one of the miracles of the universe. Dean however hated the idea of it, wanting to control his own future.

Sam Winchester was 15 years old in year 10, and Dean 19 in year 12. Their dad, John Winchester wasn't around much, trying to work enough to support the poor family. Their mother had died in a house fire, leaving John devastated and back without colours.

The black Impala rolled up to the school, Dean's music easily audible from the school building. Sam got out of the car and waved a quick goodbye to Dean.

"Hey!" Dean called after him. "I have a party tonight, you okay to walk home?" Sam rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Don't make me have to drag you home again!" Sam shouted back.

Sam walked through the familiar hallways of the school. It was about halfway through the second semester in the school year, and pretty easy for him being the straight A student. But just because everyone thought Sam was one of the perfect students didn't exactly make it so. In fact, he had the ability to be quite the opposite.

Sam opened his locker, grabbing the books for his first and second classes, art and then science. He glanced around before quickly gabbing a small bottle and putting it in his bag, smirking as he did.


Dean yawned lazily as he opened his locker, several things almost falling out in the mess. He grabbed a few books before slamming it shut, heading to his first class. Maths. What kind of cruel idiot gives maths in first period?

When he entered the classroom he put his books down on the desk, sliding in beside Charlie, his best friend and an absolute nerd. Because nerds are cool.

"Hey bitch," she said, not looking up from her phone. "See the new Game of Thrones?"

"No and if you dare spoil it you won't live to see the rest of the season," Dean said. Charlie gaped at him.

"No fair," she whined, putting her phone back in her bag. "Ready for torture?"

"Who's ever ready for torture?"

Obviously, maths was a bore. Dean entertained himself by looking around the classroom, making bets with Charlie about who they would see at Balthazar's party. Balthazar was well known for the parties he threw, mainly due to the help from his older brother Lucifer. Yes, someone called their kid Lucifer.

"Nah, he doesn't look like the party type," Dean said in reply to Charlie who had pointed out someone.

"Yeah I agree there," Charlie said. "What about him?" Dean followed Charlie's gaze to see one of the quiet kids. His hair appeared to be black and could be described as 'sex-hair'. His eyes which Dean could only just see looked like they would be bright if Dean could see any colour. But like most kids his age, everything was just in greys. The guy had a light coloured trench coat on and was focusing hard on his work.

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now