36 - These Unknown Colours

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Hah remember what happened last chapter? Yeah well I'm in class and can't scroll down far enough for that not to be on my screen...

Anyway, time skip!

~8 months later~

Dean walked into the room, throwing his bag down on the floor and flopping onto the couch. He'd just come back from classes at college, Cas was still in his classes.

The colleges they'd gone to were a few states away from their home. Balthazar had also gone to college, but one near home.

The last time they'd seen any of their family was four months ago, they went and visited for a weekend. Dean skyped Sam every other night, and that usually ended with either Gabriel or the other Novak's joining in.

Like I said, every other night. You can probably guess what Dean and Cas did on the other nights...

Kidding, I don't know what they do...

... ;)


Dean had gone to some sort of college that had courses in mechanical engineering and business. Cas's college was for science, and he was doing a course in some type of biology. Such detail we have here.

They'd gotten an apartment about halfway between their colleges, which weren't too far away from each other. They were managing pretty well too, having part time jobs. Well, Cas had a part time job, Dean was struggling a bit too much with college to do so. But Cas was always there for him.

And now, it had been twelve months.

Since what, you ask?

Twelve months since they first saw colours. Well, technically it would be tomorrow, Dean knew the date. And he still had that ring from last year...

Dean walked to their shared room and went into his drawer that Cas never went through. They shared a lot of space, but they still respected the others privacy.

Dean pulled out the small box with the angel wings ring in it. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he'd ask Cas to marry him.




"You lazy ass, get off of me."

Gabriel laughed. They were lying on Gabriel's bed, Gabe with his arms and legs wrapped around Sam. "I like it here though."

Sam sighed but Gabe saw him smile. Gabe nuzzled into Sam's neck and Sam wrapped his arms around him.

"If you get off of me we can go prank someone."

"Done," Gabe said, already standing up. Sam laughed and got up too.

They walked out of Gabe's room, past where Anna was studying because they'd already learnt not to mess with her when she was studying. And since she was in her last year of school now they didn't want to ruin that for her.

"Adamandriel is still too cute to prank," Sam said as they walked past Samandriel and Adam's room.

"But that's all the siblings left here," Gabe said sadly. "Raphael, Michael, Lucifer, Cassie, Balthy. All of them aren't here."

"Dude they left like eight months ago."

"Shh." Gabe sighed. "I miss them."

Sam gave him a sympathetic look. "Want to Skype Dean and Cas?"

Gabriel brightened and nodded. They walked back to Gabe's room, getting Sam's laptop out, sitting on the bed and calling Dean on Skype.

Dean answered in a few minutes, but he looked a bit worried.

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now