5 - Lying Never Helps

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Sam got to school the next morning to find his locker painted with bright flowers. Although he did just walk straight past his locker as he had seen Gabriel in the other hallway looking around the corner. He smiled as he glanced at the pattern, admiring Gabriel's skill with paint. He also saw a note attached, but with Gabriel watching he couldn't take it. That'd ruin the fun of this.

Sam got to his first class early, science. He wasn't surprised when Gabriel walked in late, looking a bit annoyed too. He watched as Gabriel walked over to his usual seat, unwrapping a sucker in the process.

Sam ripped a page out of his workbook, quickly scribbling a note to Gabriel. 'Sorry, but I don't actually use my locker. Nice flowers though.'

As Mr Alistair talked, Sam folded the piece of paper under his desk. Then, he timed it perfectly so that Alistair was looking away and Gabriel was writing stuff down, and threw his paper plane directly at Gabriel.

Sam looked down at his work, being careful not to look in Gabriel's direction. He did tilt his phone slightly though so that he could see Gabriel in its reflection. He watched as Gabriel unfolded the plane, reading the message on it. Gabriel looked around the room, but no one showed any signs of even noticing the paper plane.

Towards the end of class Sam asked to go the bathroom, although walked the opposite way. He made his way to his locker and pulled the note off.

'You know this isn't fair. I can't prank you properly if I don't actually know who you are.'


Sam walked back into the classroom after scribbling another message on the back.

At the end of science Gabriel stayed back to hand in his overdue work he'd forgotten about the week before. As he was leaving the classroom, he noticed his note on one of the tables, the one he'd left on mystery guys locker. He grabbed it and realized there were more words written on it.

'Well, it's not like I'm making this impossible. I've left hints everywhere, you just need to look for them.'

Gabriel sighed, pocketing the note.


Dean glanced over at Castiel as he sat next to his group.

"So Castiel, you okay to come over later?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, and I can stay the night," Castiel said. "If that's okay with you..."

"That's great, we could probably get through a few seasons," Charlie said. "Dean, you coming?"

"Yeah," Dean said. "But I've got to take Sammy home first."

"Just bring Sam too," Charlie said and Dean nodded in agreement.

"Dean, you were at the party on Friday weren't you?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah I was," Dean said.

"Do you know anyone there that could see colours after that night?"

Dean froze. Do I tell him I can? No I can't let people know, I mean I don't even know my soulmate. I'd want them to find out before everyone else...woah wait, no they don't need to find out. My eyesight will not choose my fate.

"No," Dean said, and Charlie glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Why do you ask Castiel?" she said.

"For a friend," Castiel said. "He can see colour but was too drunk to remember."

"Who?" Dean asked, staring directly at Castiel.

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now