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"Gabe wake up."

Gabe didn't move, then felt lips being pressed to his forehead a moment later. He made a tired sound but moved his head up to kiss Sam properly.

"It'd be awkward if I wasn't Sam," Sam said.

"Who else would I wake up in bed with?" Gabe asked, opening his eyes to see Sam smiling.

"Good to know," Sam said, before rolling out of the bed. "We have school."

"Can't you take a day off or something? I mean you just remembered stuff, that's gotta be a good enough excuse."

"Uhh Gabe, I have other friends too. They'll want to know."

"Ugh why."

Sam just smirked before grabbing Gabe's arms and proceeding to drag him out of the bed and onto the floor. Gabe just groaned and glared at him from the floor. Sam laughed before walking to the wardrobe to find clothes. He threw a shirt to Gabe as Gabe sat up.

"It won't fit but meh," Sam said.

"You just want me to wear your clothes," Gabe said, winking.

"Can't deny that," Sam replied. He walked over and crouched to kiss Gabe quickly. "I'll be in the kitchen." He stood up and left the room, leaving Gabe to get dressed.

Gabe put on the same jeans as yesterday because why not, and put on Sam's too big plaid shirt. It smelt like Sam, and Gabe kinda just nuzzled into it, smiling to himself.

He walked into the kitchen, rolling up the sleeves enough that he'd still be able to do stuff. Sam chuckled when he saw him.

"You look adorable," Sam said, stepping forward and resting his hands on Gabe's hips. Gabe smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly.

"Oh come on guys, not in the kitchen."

They broke apart to see Dean standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"Like you never do," Sam said, rolling his eyes but going back to making breakfast. Which consisted of pancakes, because sugar. Gabe immediately went and found Sam's new hiding place for the maple syrup.

"How do you always find it?" Sam asked. "Like seriously."

"It calls to me," Gabriel whispered dramatically and Sam laughed.


The four of them went to school in the Impala, Sam, Dean, Gabe and Cas. No one was even surprised at that anymore. The Novak's met them at the gate, and then the rest of their friends at the front of the school. It's too many people to actually list them all.

"Gabriel," Anna said. "How's reenacting going?"

"Screw that," Gabe said. "What's the point?"

"Woah what?" Balthazar asked. "Did you give up?"

"What?" Gabe asked. "No. He remembered."

His siblings looked over at Sam who caught their gaze and walked over to hug Gabe, his chin resting on Gabe's head.

"About time," Balthazar said as Charlie appeared from nowhere and squealed.

"Sabriel's back!" Charlie yelled, fangirling with Jo.

"Although," Jo said. "I think Adamandriel is cuter."

They all looked over at Adam and Samandriel, who had talked it out and now were always with each other. Usually holding hands while Samandriel was being shy and blushing.

Samandriel blushed at the sudden attention and buried his head into Adam's chest. Adam put an arm around him, laughing softly.

"And then there's Destiel too," Charlie said, gesturing over to where the couple was being fluffy.

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now