21 - Grey?

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So I had planned on dragging out the happiness before this chapter...but I'm having difficulty writing aimless fluff, so here's the feels.

"Okay, that's just creepy."

"I know right."

"They're graduating. This year."


Sam and Gabe had just happened upon the realization that their older brothers were in year 12, and would soon be doing their final exams. (Me with my brother...his graduation was this week)

"Who are we going to prank in school?" Gabe asked.

"Anna and Samandriel? You have a lot of siblings," Sam said.

"True," Gabe replied. "Also Jo, Kevin and Adam."

Sam nodded in agreement. "That's so weird though, we'll still be here and they'll be off in college and things like that."

"Well half my brothers already are, so..."

"Is Lucifer even in college?"

"No, he just randomly appears beside people to make Satan jokes. Like that is literally all he does with his life."

"Excuse me, I rule hell too," Lucifer said.

Gabriel rolled his eyes as Sam jumped back.

"Luci, how did you get into the school?"

"I flew."

"Seriously brother, stop with the fourth wall," Michael said, literally appearing next to Lucifer and grabbing him. He dragged Lucifer away leaving Sam and Gabe in confusion.

"Um..." Sam said.

Gabe just shrugged. "We're a weird family. I mean apparently our dad is god and our mom is a fangirl. I don't even know."

Sam just shrugged, and they walked off to their next class, art because it is needed as part of the upcoming tragedy.

They were getting their canvas's back, since it'd been marked and all that stuff. Gabriel ran over to grab his, and sat beside Sam after getting both of theirs.

Gabriel passed both to Sam. "I made it for you," he said, blushing slightly. Sam looked down at the canvas Gabe had painted and immediately smiled.

It was a mix of pictures all painted together with bright colours. Except they were of all the pranks they had done up until they got together.

"Gabe this is amazing," Sam said, smiling up at Gabriel. Gabriel smiled back. Sam looked down at the other canvas, the pair of golden wings he had painted, and passed it to Gabriel. "You can have mine."

"Are you sure Sammy? I mean, this is amazing, you really should keep it."

"Seriously, Gabe, take it. They're your wings anyway."

Gabriel smiled and took the painting, before pulling Sam into a hug. Sam chuckled and ruffled up the shorter ones hair. Gabe pulled away and pouted while Sam just laughed.

Dean looked over to where Meg and Castiel were talking. And glared. Hard.

"Dean," Charlie said. "It's okay, they're just friends."

"How do you know?"

"I can tell," Charlie said. "Seriously, Cas is your soulmate, he wouldn't do anything to you."

"Oh really? Why is he becoming distant then?"

"He's not. You've literally been with each other every single moment today except for now."

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