34 - Snow Day

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Small time skip to I don't even know when. Still this year? Yeah. Uhh. Maybe, a month later to when they're all out of school and just on holidays? Yeah that sounds about right.

~One month later~



"Where the hell are you?"

Someone suddenly grabbed Sam and pulled him around a corner. Sam struggled for a moment before seeing that it was Gabriel holding a finger to his lips.

"What are you doing?" Sam whisper shouted.

"Spying," Gabriel replied. They were down near the shops, and Gabriel had run off suddenly. It had also been snowing the night before, so it was cold and there was snow everywhere.

"Who are we spying on?" Sam asked.




Sam followed Gabe's gaze, seeing Adam and Samandriel sitting in a coffee ship, both smiling and talking.

"Why exactly are we spying on them?"

"Because if we don't Anna will."

"Oh god we better stay here then."


They watched Adam and Samandriel for a few minutes.

"Okay this is boring," Gabriel said. "Should we interrupt their date?"

"Oh come on," Sam said. "They're too adorable for that."

"Fine then, Destiel."

"Hells yeah."

"Hey that's my line."

"Not anymore."

Gabe tried to glare but found himself smiling. Sam just laughed and leaned down to kiss him softly.

They walked out onto the street, to where Destiel was sitting in the park. They were sitting on a bench, looking out at the snow covered ground. Technically the bench should also be covered in snow but meh.

"Oh this'll be fun," Gabe said with a smirk, leaning down to gather a ball of snow off the ground, pressing it together. Sam smirked and did the same.

They sneaked up close behind Destiel, and threw the snowballs, hitting each of them right in the back of the head. They both flinched and spun around, to see Sabriel laughing.

"Oh you bitch," Dean said, and crouched down to gather snowballs.

"Oh no what have we done?" Sam said as Gabriel started making more snowballs. Cas was just watching with amusement.

Dean threw a snowball at Sam, hitting him right in the face. Sam fell back in surprise, then started making snowballs.

And so began the snow ball fight.

(I've never been in one of these...someone take me to the snow and I'll love you forever)

It was Sam and Gabe against Dean, because Cas was just standing off to the side. That is, until Gabe bombarded him with snowballs. Cas glared and finally joined the fight on Dean's side, specifically aiming for Gabe.

Adam and Samandriel were walking past at that time, having left the coffee shop. They saw the four idjits throwing snowballs and also joined.

And because there's more ships than that in this story, Michael and Lucifer appeared to.

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now