Ciel's POV #1

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AN: So, I know in the original plot for both the anime and the manga, Madame Red never gets the chance to have a baby, and that she fell in love with Vincent who fell in love with her sister Rachel and married her, instead.
I am not going for extreme accuracy with this story but rather, giving Ciel's aunt a backstory that has more meaning in my opinion than her experiencing unrequited love. Also, I wanted to make it so that she can relate to her nephew who is now experiencing a similar issue.
Anyway, just wanted to clear that up and also say that this will be an mpreg story because, I have quite a few already for other fandoms and ships that I love, so I of course had to do a Sebaciel one.
Yes you heard right, this will eventually be a Sebaciel story but first, a lot of things must happen before that. Can't tell you what, though...
So yeah, hope you like this 2nd Sebaciel story of mine and just so you know, I have attended 2 births in my life thus far (my sister's and my brother's) and I've also read quite a bit of mpreg fanfics so, I think I know what I'm doing...
That's all 4 now!
Enjoy, friends! :)
P.S. Just because I am writing a new Sebaciel story, DOES NOT mean that I've given up on my other one 'Revelations', I just got the idea for this one and so I HAD to write it down. Cause, you know how it is... XD

I woke up to the melodic sound of birds chipping outside on the window sill.
Swinging my pale, white, creamy-coloured legs over the side of my bed, I shakily tried to stand up, as I felt the world spin in front of my eyes.
It had been a week since I had arrived in Paris and my aunt Red had been very kind and supportive of me because, I knew she was the only one who really knew what I was going through. She had known the truth before I had told her so privately in my bed chambers, and had told me it was going to be alright. That he wouldn't be able to hurt me because, she would take me away from there, that awful place, and try to rebuild what was left of my already pathetic life.
I had thought that he loved me. He'd even said so.
But then, he had gone and taken more young girls to bed, and I was left alone at night to cry over what I had lost.
I'd lost him.
There was no denying that, anymore.
I'd lost Sebastian, for good...
"Ciel? Darlin', are you up?", my aunt called in her almost perfect French accent.
"Yes, auntie Red, I'm up!", I quickly yelled to her, as I made to stand up again, and dizzily fell back onto the bed's rumpled duvet.
I sighed and tried not to let the tears brim in my eyes as I suddenly thought of him, again.
'What is he doing?', I thought
'Who is he with?'
And, of course: 'Does he even miss me?'
But, I already knew the answer to that.
No, he did not.
How could he when he has dozens of young girls waiting at his every beck and call?
Frustrated, I attempted to sit up again and to my relief, managed to stand up without collapsing into the plush, carpeted floor.
Once I was standing up, I made my way slowly over to the settee at the end of my bed, where my aunt had set out a fresh, clean outfit for me to wear.
With shaky fingers, I touched the silky fabric of the dress coat lying there and realized with a jolt that this was one of my outfits from my family's manor.
The outfit I had worn on my 14th birthday to be exact.
Slowly, I swallowed the hard lump forming in my throat and fought back more tears.
He had been there, that night.
He'd been standing beside my chair as they all said: 'Happy Birthday, Ciel!' and I had blown out my candles.
I remembered his smile, the way it made my insides tingle and my heart speed up rapidly in my chest.
Then, there had been the way he looked at me that night, like I was the only person in the whole world that mattered to him.
That made him feel special.
Made me feel special...
"Ciel? Honey, do you need some help?"
My aunt again.
I quickly straightened up and said: "N-No thank you, auntie Red!"
There was silence and I heard her walk away.
When she was gone, I began to reluctantly unbutton my oversized nightshirt and slip into the outfit she'd picked out for me.
I fought with my emotions and the shiny, cerulean ribbon on my white button up shirt, giving an aggravated sigh when the knot came undone yet again.
Eventually though, I emerged from the bedroom that had now become my room and ventured into the dining room where I knew my aunt would be.
And indeed she was, sitting in a high-backed, elegantly upholstered chair, sipping from her bone china tea cup with lacy gloved fingers.
Aunt Red smiled when she saw me in the entryway.
"Good morning, my dear nephew. Did you sleep well?"
She asked me this same question every morning, as if she maybe somehow thought that eventually my usual response would change.
I shook my head.
"No, I was in terrible pain most of the night, so I did not get to rest until about after 5."
She nodded, understandingly at me, and took another sip of her tea.
"That's usually quite common, except it happens mainly during the morning, not at night. But, I suppose being impregnated by a demon is much different than that of a human. I mean, you already look filled out and it hasn't even been a whole two weeks."
I glared at her and she sighed.
"There's no use getting mad at me, my dear nephew. After all, I'm not the one who did this to you. Now, the father...that's someone you should be mad at."
"Don't call him that!", I spat, the venom very evident in my voice.
"I don't care if he is responsible for my current condition, but I will not have you mention him as being my baby's father, no matter if he is or not."
My aunt signed again, but nodded her head, slowly.
"Alright. Now then, care for some breakfast?"
I shrugged, but didn't refuse the scone she passed me from the basket on the table.
Taking tentative bites of the slightly flaky and doughy roll, I tried to imagine what it would've been like if Sebastian were here right now.
I shook the thought away, reaching for another scone, instead.
My aunt Red smiled as she poured me a small cup of tea from the porcelain teapot sitting next to the basket of tasty scones.
When she hands it to me, my own hand suddenly stills on the cup's small curved handle.
"Auntie, can I ask you something?"
She nods, as if she doesn't mind, but what I'm about to ask her is very personal.
I sigh, taking a quick sip of the cup's contents.
It's Earl Grey, my favourite.
But, it tastes bitter and lacks the strength every other black leaf tea usually has.
'Sebastian would know how to fix it...', I can't help but think, the thought making me sad.
"Ciel, what's wrong?", my aunt asked, seeing my sad expression.
"When you found out that you were did you go about telling people about it?"
There's a dense silence as she thinks, and I know instantly that I have overstepped an unknown boundary of hers.
I'm just about to say that it's okay and that she doesn't have to tell me if she doesn't want to, but she does.
"I-I first told the father. He was a man who worked as an enforcer of the law, he was very angrily with me and threw me out of the house we'd been living in together. I was so devastated after that, that I went to a doctor who I knew specialized in very complicated surgeries and he was able to abort the baby before, it'd be too late and I would have to tell my family the truth. But, eventually the father of the child that was now dead, came to terms with my news and said that he'd do everything he could to provide for both of us. I-I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd already terminated the pregnancy so I-I...I killed him one night with some poisonous plant that I had found growing in his garden. I ground it up in a mortar and pestle and sprinkled it over his dinner that night, so that in the morning, I wouldn't have to lie to him once again. Believe me when I say, that I am not in the least proud of what I did, Ciel. But, I just couldn't see myself with him the same way ever again, after lying to him that whole time he was back..."
I sat with out saying anything, contemplating my aunt's words.
At last, a dared to look at her again.
She was crying now and had a lacy, white hanker-chief held against her eyes.
I didn't know what to say to her, so I said the only thing that seemed appropriate at the time.
"I know, auntie. I know."
I paused then, staring at the intricate designs on my bone china tea cup.
Then, looked directly at her, with resolve.
It was then that I made both myself and her a promise.
"I won't make the same mistake you did. I'll do what is right, even if I can't find the strength to go on..."

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