Ciel's POV #9

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AN: I had a lot of fun writing this chapter...
Also, I'll be updating Revelations soon, too.
Enjoy, friends! :)

My Aunt Red stood in the doorway to the ornately decorated dining room, several parcels that seemed as if they would break through the large, brown, paper bag at any moment and go tumbling to the shiny, marble floor, clutched in her arms, as she stared at Sebastian and I, a shocked look on her usually calm face.
Quickly, I detached myself from him and stepped over to the doorway, attempting to help her with her multitude of purchases, but she shook her head.
"No dear nephew, I can manage just fine on my own and besides, you're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting of any kind, anymore. Really, you should be on bed rest...", she told me, her voice trailing off as she suddenly shot a glare at Sebastian who was still standing over by the table.
I sighed.
"Sebastian, I think my aunt would like to have a word with you.", I said, Aunt Red nodding slowly, her eyes still fixed on who she deemed as an 'intruder' to her house.
I waited for her to question him, but she turned instead to me and her expression changed to one of concern.
"Honestly Ciel, what were you thinking? Letting this-this thing back into your life, so soon? Didn't you learn anything from how he treated you?"
I could only stand there shocked, as she continued to go on and on about what a bad influence Sebastian was on me, how I should really hate him, etcetera. Finally, my aunt looked away from me and glared at Sebastian, her eyes seeming to shine with unmasked fury.
"And, you where do you come off thinking that it is okay to enter my house? Don't you know you are not welcomed here, you-you bloody bastard?!", she yelled, clearly having none of whatever it was, Sebastian so badly wanted to say to her.
No doubt, he wanted to reason with her.
But, it's not at all easy to reason with my aunt Red, once she gets going about something...
Sighing, shook my head at my aunt's words.
"No Auntie Red, you don't understand. S-Sebastian came over to apologize to me! H-He's changed!", I practically screamed the last part out, immediately falling to the marble floor in a fit of loud, angry sobbing.
My aunt finally stopped yelling at Sebastian when she saw me crying there on the floor in her dining room. Slowly, she bent down and hugged me.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, Ciel. It's okay, honey. I won't yell anymore, if it bothers you."
I nodded and wiped the tears quickly from my eyes, and stood up again, well with a little help from Sebastian.
Honestly, I didn't know why I had started crying like that, out of nowhere.
'Must be these damn pregnancy hormones kicking in...', I thought.
But, weren't they starting a little...late?
Anyway, after all of that was cleared up, my aunt formally apologized to Sebastian and we all (me, Sebastian, her, and Alois) all had lunch, together.
And after a talk about what would happen now that my 'definitely-now-more-than-just-a-butler' was back in the picture, we all decided that it was best if I stayed in Paris till at least a week after the baby was born, that way my parents and other servants would be none-the-wiser.
Finally, when that was all settled Sebastian and I went up to my room, and sat on my bed, one of his ungloved hands pressed firmly against my stomach, as he tried to detect our baby's subtle kicking. He looked up at me with an expression of pure awe and fascination at the new feeling against his hand. Most likely, he hadn't really know about this from his thorough research.
I smiled for the first time in a long while, a real smile.
I was finally happy again.
He had returned to me and was slowly winning my trust back, the same effortless and awestruck way he had won it in the first place.
We ended our evening together by taking a hot bath in the bathroom that was adjacent to my bed chambers, him lying back in the scalding, hot, soapy
water and me sitting directly in his lap. It felt nice to be that close to him again. Honestly, it had seemed like forever since we had been as close as we were then, in that claw-foot bathtub, our fingers laced together so that they rested on my protruding, swollen abdomen, almost as if we were shielding our unborn child with our love for each other and them.
At long last though, Sebastian got out of the tub and drained the water completely, before he then lifted me out and carried me bridle-style to my bed chambers once again.
When he laid me down onto the soft covers of my bed's duvet, I moaned at the feeling, loving the way the fabric seemed to lightly touch my naked body like that of velvet, like Sebastian's gloved hands as he had ran them up my body, that night.
I shivered, suddenly feeling the oddly new yet not completely foreign tug of arousal sweep over my body like a paintbrush would on a canvas. Carefully, making lines across it. Back and forth. Back and forth...
And then, then I felt his hands doing just that, moving like that of the paintbrush on my body which was the unfinished yet not entirely blank canvas. Back and forth. Back and forth...
I cried out in ecstasy as he then placed his wet, warm tongue against my skin, my breath hitching as he began to trail the muscle down my bare body.
Until he reached it. Reached the centre of the canvas' surface. My centre.
I tried not to scream and shout the endless list of profanities that entered my mind as he took me into his wonderful, wet, warm mouth. But, eventually I could not hold back, especially when he started to trace lines near the bottom of the canvas, my body. Almost as if he were mapping out something on my skin, readying me for something I had only dreamed about for so long and could now never again live without.
As he pushed into me, I once again saw the canvas in my hazy state of mind. Saw the intricate lines and slashes of colour he used as he went.
Deeper and deeper and deeper...
His brush strokes becoming darker and darker...harder and harder, against the surface that was me...
And then, I felt him finally finishing up, getting ready to put the final touches on the picture he had created, ready to splatter the surface one last time...
He did just that, coming inside of me as I then heard a strangled, beautiful sound escape my throat, a cry.
It was the name that he wrote onto the canvas in a blood red paint. The name that he signed to his masterpiece, his work of art. Running over the letters of it countless times, so that I would never again forget who made me, my body, into the elaborate picture it was, now. And, my nails digging into his back, further proved that, by seemingly searing the name into not just my skin, but also his.
"Ciel!", he cried out, as I finally let go, lasting longer than him surprisingly, but most likely because I had already abstained from such things for a while.
In that moment, I too finished the masterpiece I had created on my canvas, his body, and finally fell back against the pillows, the paintbrush I had seen in my mind, disappearing into a black, bottomless abyss where it would stay until we reconfirmed our love for each other. Again and again and again...
I was exhausted as I reached out to him, wrapping my arms loosely around him and kissing him. The picture suddenly coming back into focus, but this time I didn't just see splatters of colours, I also saw us. Sebastian and I. We were standing side by side and I had a small bundle in my small arms. It was like the image was a snapshot of what was to come, and suddenly, I wasn't so afraid anymore.
I had him and he had me.
We had each other and that was all we needed to make it through whatever happened next...

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