Ciel's POV #7

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Later that same day, I decided to go take a walk around my aunt's neighbourhood with Alois, only to have my plans stopped, when I noticed a folded up piece of creamy, off-white parchment laying on the cobblestones of the path, when I opened the door.
Immediately, a feeling of anxiety came over me, and I began to shake uncontrollably, so much so that, my friend had to stoop down and get the whatever it was for me.
Once he had handed it to me, I slowly unfolded it, only to have a note that upon closer inspection had at least 20 pounds written on it fall to the floor in a fluttering motion, as Alois again stooped down and retrieved it. 
I gasped and brought my hand to rest against my slightly parted lips when I saw the who it was from. For there on that parchment was Sebastian's messy yet intricate scrawl that I knew all too well...
"Well, what does it say?", Alois asked, gesturing to the parchment in my hand, his eyes filled with a look of concern due to my reaction.
I didn't know what to say, so I just handed it to him and hoped he figured it out on his own.
He did.
"Oh my god! Ciel, it's from him! Sebastian!"
I nodded, my gaze now fixed on my shoes, as I tried not to let the matter bother me. After all, it was just a letter? Wasn't it? There was no need to panic...right?
He continued to read the letter then gasped.
"What? What, is it?", I demanded, my gaze shooting back up to look at his face.
He wouldn't answer me, just kept staring at it, then finally, he spoke, his voice shaky but, whether because he was nervous to tell me or excited, I was not sure.
"I-It says here that-that he's coming to see you. He also says that he's sorry for hurting you like that and wants to make amends.", Alois told me, one of his fingers tapping against the parchment's smooth yet slightly rough surface, as he looked at me, excitedly.
I sighed.
This was so not what I expected.
He wanted me...back?
'Did his other beloved playthings finally tire of him?'
I could only hope so.
I shook my head.
"No, he will not come here. I do not wish to see him. If he wants me back so bad then, he will just have to get over it all and move on because, I will not just be one of his helpless lovers, again! I will not let that demon use me the way he did!"
As I shouted the words I knew without a doubt that my aunt Red heard me, but I could've cared less about what she thought.
I was my decision, after all.
If I didn't want to see him, then that was final.
Alois nodded sadly, an expression that was so unlike his usual rambunctious, trigger-happy self, that I found myself feeling a little bad for shouting at him like that. But, I couldn't help it. No matter what, I was not going to stoop to Sebastian's demands and let him back into my life. I couldn't and I wouldn't.
After I apologized for shouting at him, Alois and I went back upstairs to my room and waited for my aunt to call us for lunch.
And, that's when I felt it, not a wave of nausea exactly, but more like a firm, pronounced kick aimed at the side of my abdomen. Quickly, I placed one of my hands over the spot and felt for the movement, again. It came nearly seconds after the first, causing me to suck in a breath of air, at the completely foreign feeling.
"Ciel...what's wrong?", my friend asked, and I felt tears instantly form in my eyes.
When I looked up at him, they had slid down my cheeks and my vision started to blur, slightly.
"A-Alois, put your hand here.", I told him, grabbing one of his hands and resting it against my stomach.
He seemed a bit confused by my sudden action, but then he felt the subtle kick under his hand and looked up at me, his eyes bright.
"Oh my god, Ciel. The baby...your's already kicking!"
I nodded, and reached up to brush the remaining tears out of my eyes.
It seemed kind of odd that the baby was already doing that, considering that it hadn't even been a whole two weeks since it had been conceived. But, maybe such a thing was normal during a demonic pregnancy? Maybe, half human-half demon spawn developed quicker than normal babies did? But even so, that didn't explain why I wasn't really 'showing' that much, yet.
I sighed.
"I guess having a demon's spawn takes less time than the normal gestation period would.", I said, rubbing my stomach in slow circles, hoping to feel the child inside me kick again.
Alois shrugged at my comment, clearly also unsure.
He sighed, slightly restless.
"Ugh Ciel, you're SO lucky! You get to have Sebastian's baby and you get to feel it as it kicks. I just wish I could get to experience the things you're experiencing. But, Claude would never allow me that sort of thing... You know?"
I nodded, agreeing with him.
Indeed, I did.
Honestly, when I'd agreed to having sex with Sebastian, I never thought that our night together would end like this. Hell, I doubt even Sebastian knew what would come of it... After all, we didn't plan on having a baby, it had just been about what I thought was love, only to find out shortly afterwards that to Sebastian, it had only been about sex.
"Alois, I didn't plan to have this baby and neither did Sebastian.", I told him, my tone serious.
"Hell, if I would've known that all this would happen, I probably never would've done the things I did with him..."
My friend nodded, then smirked, knowingly.
"You're talking about having sex aren't you, Phantomhive?"
I sighed, and nodded.
"Yes, dear Alois. I mean, what else could I have done that has left me looking like this?", I gestured to myself and he snickered.
"True, true..."
"Boys!  Lunch is ready!", my aunt Red suddenly yelled, putting an end to our conversation.
"Well, I guess we should probably go and eat.", I said, as I got up from my bed and began to struggle with re-tying my shoes.
Alois chuckled when he saw me.
I glared at him.
"Need some help?"
Sighing, I nodded and he sat down on the carpeted floor beside me.
Taking one of my legs in his hand, he began to slide the shoe onto my foot, and then began to tie the laces on them with an exceptional speed. Then, he repeated the same thing with my other foot and finally helped me up off the floor.
I scoffed.
"You don't have to help me up! I can manage just fine on my own!"
But, he shook his head and giggled before he then said: "Trust me, at the rate this baby's growing pretty soon you'll thank me."
In response I playfully clobbered him on the head and then, we both went downstairs to have our lunch, laughing like we were five again, when our only cares in the world had been so minuscule compared to where they were, now...

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