Sebastian's POV #4

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Before Tonya was due to arrive that night, I had decided to go check up on Ciel and see how he was getting along in Paris.
So, I put on my large, black overcoat that basically hid most of my face, that way he would have a hard time figuring out that it was me, and dashed off to France as gracefully as a demon can when he's in a hurry.
When I got to Paris, France, I realized that I had ended up in the market square where most people bought their groceries and other items of importance.
But, due to the fact that it was almost dinner time for most people there, most of the vendors who had most likely been there since sunrise, had packed up and gone back to their respectable places of residence.
That was why I was surprised to see a few still open so late in the day and that Ciel was over at one, not too far from where I stood, gathering up what appeared to be fresh vegetables such as: eggplants and different colourful squash, as he then carefully wrapped them in brown parcel paper and tied a piece of dull, white string around the whole thing. It was a hazardous looking bundle because, he didn't have a clue what he was doing, and seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.
Suddenly, his one crystalline blue eye that wasn't covered like the other purple one was by his black eyepatch, fixed itself on me momentarily, then upon quickly figuring out who I was, he took a startled step back and then almost dropping the food parcel he had clutched in his arms, Ciel ran like mad before, I could stop him and dashed away from the market square, his shoes making a loud clacking sound on the cobblestones as he ran, faster and faster.
I knew without a doubt where he was going, but chose not to follow him because, I was already going to be late for my 'date' with Tonya and could not afford to waste anymore time in this city.
So with that, I quickly sped out of France at a pace that would surely rival that of lightning, and before I knew it, I was back at the Phantomhive manor, only to have Ciel's mother Rachel, frowning at me.
"You're late.", she told me, her arms folded across her chest.
"I am very sorry about that, m'lady. You see, I had to go and get things organized for the Young Master's upcoming wedding to Lady Elizabeth. But, now everything has been arranged, the wedding will happen in five months to this very day."
That seemed to please her because, she smiled at me then nodded her approval.
"Thank you, Sebastian. You have done well."
I smiled up at her as I bowed.
"Indeed, you are most welcome, m'lady.", I said to her, before slowly exiting the parlour and heading to the estate's gardens, where I knew without a doubt Tonya would be.
"Took you long enough.", she remarked, once I finally found her.
She was sitting by the Japanese koi pond that had been created in the garden just for the mere pleasure it brought. Her crystalline blue eyes were thoughtful as she gazed fondly at the fish, their scales shimmering in the water's clear, glass-like surface. She was dressed in a fine ensemble made up of costly silks, velvets, and taffetas, that seemed to only if one thing, accentuate her curves and her bust perfectly. Her long blackish, navy-coloured hair hung down around her small pale face in soft, delicate ringlets, and that contrasted well with the lighter tones of her gown, which was a pastel lavender colour with ribbons of white intermingling throughout the dress' skirt. And of course, there was her slippers, so finely crafted it was almost as if they had been made of porcelain. If she had been wearing gloves, they had been removed at some point and now sat somewhere nearby, forgotten. Their white lace no doubt becoming soiled with dirt from the ground where Tonya sat, but on a grassy part, so that she herself would not become soiled, also.
"I had some matters to attend to...", I told her, my voice trailing off, as if such things didn't matter anymore. Which was true, they didn't.
She nodded her head sadly, and looked up at me once again with a melancholy expression.
Tonya sighed.
"I know, but I wish you did not have to work so much...I miss you when you're not around, Sebastian...Miss the way I feel the moment I see you..."
I nodded, taking a seat beside her on the ground.
"Indeed, I too miss you, Tonya. But, my work comes first before anything else. I have a position to uphold as the Phantomhive family butler and I will not abuse that just so that I may see you more. I wish that we could be together more, without others bothering us so, but alas it cannot be that way. So, we best just make due with what time we have together and enjoy it at its very fullest."
Tonya faintly nodded, then she grabbed my still gloved hand in hers, so that I'd look at her.
When I did, I saw a spark in her beautiful blue eyes that I had not seen before in anyone else, well not since...
"Sebastian, I have been thinking and I want you to know that I think I'm ready, now. I-I want you, Sebastian Michaelis. I want you and nobody else..."
Instantly, I was on her and kissing her like she was the oxygen that I needed to be able to breathe, and she likewise, was kissing me back with as equally much force. I felt her breathing quicken as I pulled up the large, extravagant skirts of her dress and I heard her pant out loudly and beg for me to do it, like she was afraid I'd just leave her there in the gardens, all alone, practically exposed for all to see.
'That would surely terrify, Finnian', I thought, chuckling at the very image of a petrified Finny finding a young girl who looked like Ciel, alone in the estate's gardens, looking very indecent...Like, a pathetic, worthless whore...
I laughed and plunged into her, causing her to scream out at the sudden intense pain that wracked her body to the point that she could only sob bitterly, her tears cascading down her pale cheeks and making me end up having a sudden, brief flash-back of him.
Him, screaming as I pounded into him with as much force as I could bring forth without accidentally liking him...Him, gripping onto me for dear life, as I hit that stop inside of him again and again and again...
I shuddered then, as I felt my impending orgasm and released my cum inside of her, causing her to scream out at the burning sensation that instantly followed.
One thing that I couldn't explain why I did but I wished I hadn't was in the last few seconds, before I came inside of her, I pictured him-Ciel, writhing beneath me and for some reason this caused me when I finally released my seed into her, to suddenly scream out a name that I hated...a name that I dreaded hearing myself say...a name that I loved...
In truth, I probably sounded a lot like Lady Elizabeth.
But, I didn't get a chance to take it back, because before I knew it Tonya had sat up slightly and she was glaring at me.
"What did you just call me?!", she spat out, her voice filled with a sudden rage that I hadn't seen in her before, only in Ciel.
'Ugh Sebastian, stop thinking about Ciel!', I told myself angrily and shook my head to clear the thought.
"Well, are you going to tell me?!", she screamed at me again, and I cringed at the strained tone to her voice.
"Tonya I-"
But, I didn't get to explain myself because suddenly something in her mind clicked and startled she tried to stand up and back away from me.
"YOU! YOU MONSTER!", she spat, her words practically seeping with venom.
"Y-You screamed out the young Earl Phantomhive's name, not mine! So, it's true! You're the one who made him leave!"
I shook my head, trying to stay calm.
"No, I am afraid that you are mistaken there. You see, the Young Master left to go see his-"  
"Aunt Red, I know, Sebastian. You don't have to remind me."
I sighed.
"Indeed he did."
Tonya then gazed into the koi pond again and sighed to herself.
When she looked up at me again, she was no longer angry but her eyes were filled with tears.
"You-you still love you not?"
What was I supposed to say to a question like that?
Especially, from her?
I took a deep breath and reached over to grab her hand, again.
"I-I don't know, Tonya. I want to say that I do, but at the same time I am still so deeply hurt by how he's treated me ever since..."
"Ever since?"
"That night.", I told her my voice flat and my face devoid of any sort of emotion.
She nodded understandingly, as if she knew all along.
Maybe, she did...
Then, her expression changed to one of worry, and she looked directly at me.
"Oh my gosh, I just thought of something and I think it would be perhaps a good explanation as to why he left so suddenly..."
My heart skipped a beat at that very thought of someone knowing anything about Ciel's sudden trip to Paris to see his aunt.
"What? What is it?!", I asked, a little too eagerly.
I mean this was rare, a human knowing something a demon doesn't?
That's not possible...or is it?
Tonya didn't answer at first, and I watched her gaze fixate back on the fish pond again.
Then, she slowly turned towards me and sighed.
"I could be way off for all I know, but what you've described to me since he's been gone and the fact that he refused to speak to you after your night together. Well, I'd say that something must have happened that really bothered him and so he decided to leave England for a while until well...whenever he feels it's safe to come back, again."
"But, why would he just leave? I mean, he told us he was going to go see his aunt, but the way he said it...the way he seemed to be distracted as he said it, made me think that there was something else on his mind...that he wasn't exactly telling us the whole truth..."
Tonya nodded.
"Indeed, that would make plenty of sense."
"So, what should we do?", I asked, hoping she had a plan in mind.
She did.
"We are not going to do, anything. I, however am going to go to Paris myself and see what Ciel's up to, maybe even figure out why he actually left in the first place...Then, I'll report back at the end of the week or something like that and tell you what I saw, who he was with, etcetera..."
I sighed, not really wanting to argue with her and decided that her plan seemed like a good one.
After that, I did what a gentleman would do for a lady, and helped her fix up her skirts, so it would not just look like what had gone on in the gardens between us, had.
"I am going to miss you, Tonya."
She laughed then, and the sound I could deny it no longer sounded just like Ciel.
"You take care, Sebby-boy. Don't be barking up the wrong tree or taking anymore pretty young girls to bed with you. Also, don't you worry about me, I will get Ciel back if it's the last thing I do. Oh, and also one more thing...", she said and I watched with a shock as her eyes turned from crystalline blue to a dark crimson that rivalled mine.
She smiled at me and flipped her blackish, navy-coloured hair over her shoulder.
"Uh yeah, I guess I should've told you. I'm actually a demon, too. My real name's Liana. Sorry bout the charade, I hope I'll see you again, soon!"
And with that, I watched Tonya/Liana the first female demon I had ever had the pleasure of being with, dash off and out the the estate's gardens on her quest to find out why Ciel had left to begin with.
And then, I disobeyed her words and took the guillable young maid of the Phantomhive estate to bed with me, again, only to regret it and hate myself the next day...

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