Sebastian's POV #10

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AN: Sorry about not really updating this book or Revelations lately, I've had like zero inspiration to write and I'm really starting to dread the return of school next month...
Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to update more before all that goes down because, that would at least help me stop stressing about it all so much. So yeah, as always thanks for reading my stories, you peeps are awesome-sauce!
WARNING: Mentions of birth and after birth. Slightly graphic. Read at your own risk.

Enjoy, friends! :D

It was five weeks later and I was still staying with Ciel and his aunt Red in Paris.
Somehow, his parents had not sent a search party out looking for me yet, despite the fact I had been away from the manor so long, and for that I was grateful.
But even so, I knew that I would have to return to England soon and resume in my duties as the Phantomhive family's loyal butler.
Which I would've already been doing, had it not been for the fact that Ciel was still in fact pregnant with my child and was now two weeks overdue.
I hadn't expected such a thing like that to happen because, in my experience children who were half-demon usually arrived earlier than those who were fully human.
Even Ciel's Aunt herself, couldn't believe that he still hadn't gone into labour and had the baby, yet.
So basically, we (her, me, and Alois) were all nervous wrecks every time we were around him because, we feared that if we even said the wrong thing or if he accidentally sneezed, it would trigger the long-overdue labour he so badly needed.
That's why on a cloudy, overcast morning, when Ciel came downstairs to the dining room table for breakfast, one hand subtly rubbing against his lower back, I knew that today would be the big day.
"What are you staring at, demon?!", he spat at me as he attempted to push one of his aunt's high-backed, elegantly-upholstered chairs away from the table, only to cringe when he heard the squeal of wood against marble.
I chuckled slightly and got up to help him with his chair and then handed him a cup of fresh Earl grey tea I had just made.
He took the bone china teacup into his small hands and slowly lifted it to his lips and drank a few mouthfuls before placing the cup back down on the ornate, wooden table.
Ciel had a tired look in his crystalline blue eyes and sighed, his body fidgeting slightly as he pressed a hand against his swelled stomach and took a deep breath.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to telephone your aunt?", I immediately asked, the words practically flying out of my mouth, so that I had no time to stop them.
He shook his head and repeated the previous action, only this time a slight groan passed through his petal-soft lips.
I knew something was wrong, but I also didn't want to anger him further by going to get help, so I instead left him alone to do whatever it was he needed to do.
Well, that was until he called for me, my name sounding strained and distressed as it escaped him, causing me to immediately run over to him.
"C-Ciel, what's wrong?", I asked, not even caring about the slight stammer in my voice.
He looked up at me, eyes bright with tears and his face though still pale, now had a flushed red quality to it.
"S-Sebastian, I-I think you should go call my aunt n-now!"
I nodded and then dashed into the kitchen where I knew Mrs. Angelina Red kept her telephone and pressed my shaking fingers against the dial as I waited for her to pick up, the ringing a faint yet daunting endless drone.
" 'Ello? Who is this? Ciel, nephew is that you?"
"No, it's not Ciel. It's me, Sebastian, I-I need you to come back here right away. I think Ciel's finally going into labour, but I can't be sure..."
There was a brief silence and then I heard the droning sound of the phone line again.
She had hung up and was no doubt scrambling to her carriage right away, telling the driver of it to hurry up because something had come up and it was imperative that she get back home straight away.
When Angelina finally burst through the doors it was almost lunch hour and I was upstairs with Ciel, who was currently fighting back tears as he dug his blunt nails into my back, tearing the fabric of my good dress shirt, as he groaned into my shoulder, a low, deep rumble that no doubt echoed through the whole house.
He still had a while yet before his water broke and then the pain and agony he was already experiencing would only increase from there.
"S-Sebastian! Ah!", he cried out, his nails piercing into the flesh of my back, causing bloody puncture wounds to form.
It hurt, but it couldn't have been as bad a pain as what he was going through, so I let him tear at my back, despite the sea of red, ugly scars I'd have later.
"My dear nephew, I'm here, now! What's wrong?!", Ciel's aunt said hurriedly, as she flung open the door to his bed chambers and ran over to him.
"I-It h-hurts!"
She nodded and brushed some of his damp, sweaty blue-grey locks away from his face.
"I know it does, but it'll all be over eventually, dear nephew."
And then just like that, Alois ran in.
"Oh my god. OH MY GOD!"
That was all he said though, before he passed out onto the floor.
Two hours later after Ciel's initial back pain had started, his water still hadn't broken and Angelina was starting to get worried.
"You know, if he doesn't go into actual labour soon, we're going to have to induce him into labour some other way. Sebastian, go draw him a hot bath, perhaps that will help."
So, I poured him a bath and then sat with him in the plethora of soapy bubbles, using both my hands to rub his swollen abdomen as he breathed deeply.
"Yes, my love?"
"What? What is it, Ciel?"
But, he didn't get to finish speaking because, right then I felt the unmistakable rush of liquid and heard him give a little surprised gasp, as we both realized what had happened.
Slowly, Ciel turned around to face me, his eyes no longer able to hide his evident fear.
"I-I think my water just broke..."
I cuddled him close in my strong arms and whispered comforting words to him, hoping that would relax him somehow.
It didn't though, instead his face twisted up with pain and he groaned as he pressed his own hands against his swelled stomach, before I finally realized what was wrong.
It was time for him to push.
Quickly, I got him out of the bathtub and didn't even bother to redress him, just wrapped a white, fluffy towel around him as I carried him back over to his bed.
His aunt had already laid out a few clean towels for the birth and there was a small bucket of warm water on Ciel's night table for sterilization purposes.
Carefully, I placed him on his bed again and watched as Angelina began to assess Ciel's progress and find out how close my son or daughter was to being born.
"I'd say he's close to crowning soon, considering I can see the beginnings of a head."
Ciel wasn't listening to her though because, he had his teeth gritted together in pain and was trying in earnest to sit up slightly from where he lay, his back against the pillows.
Then, she turned to look at him again.
"Ciel, my dear nephew, I need you to start pushing, now."
I watched him nod slightly, then she helped him sit up so that his back still rested against the pillows and his creamy, pale-white legs were pushed up and lay parted on either side of him.
"Okay, that's good, Ciel. Now, on your next contraction, push."
It happened like clockwork, the sharp, stab of pain contorted his features and he groaned long and low in his throat, his head bent so that his chin touched his chest and his aunt held his trembling legs back, so that the now close to emerging child, would not be harmed by them.
Ciel screamed out his distress to me, telling me things that his aunt only claimed he was saying, due to his pained state. But, I knew that I deserved every word he threw at me right then, because I had been the one who abandoned him and thought that I didn't need him.
It was about late afternoon when the baby's head finally popped loose from his birth canal and I got to see a first glimpse of what our child might look like. A head of what appeared to be raven black locks and pale-white skin was what I saw. I couldn't see the baby's eyes yet, because they were closed, but I saw the tiny lashes of it's eyes, as Angelina turned the small limp body slowly, making way for the child's shoulders.
Ciel gave a loud scream and his eyes scrunched tightly shut as he pushed and pushed, only stopping for short pauses in between to take a much needed breath.
As the child's shoulders began to spring free with help from Angelina, more and more of my soon-to-be son or daughter was unveiled to me.
It was like waiting for the arrival of a much desired parcel, and finally realizing with great joy that the delivery is almost here.
Only, this special delivery was better than anything else one could've gotten by mail carrier.
"That's it nephew! One more push and they'll be out!"
Ciel looked ready to pass out, but he nodded slowly at his aunt's words and waited for the familiar, agonizing stab of pain to make itself known again.
It finally did and I watched from a chair by his side, one of my hands firmly holding onto his as he pushed again and again and again.
It was truly mesmerizing to watch the love of my life, a mere human boy, give birth to a life that was so fragile and precious. Something I never thought I'd have the pleasure of experiencing.
Then, with a last cry of anguish, Ciel's breathing slowed and the small body that had been encased within him for much too long, suddenly began it's descent downward so that it landed onto the now blood-soaked towels with a soft thud, immediately erupting into a loud, angry, shrill squeal of complete distress and it's eyes blinking rapidly, so that they opened and closed as it tried to make sense of its new surroundings.
But before it could, Angelina Red scooped it up into her arms carefully, so as not to cause it or Ciel any more pain and handed me a pair of shiny, silver scissors that had been sitting on the night table.
"I need you to cut the cord, Sebastian. Can you do that for me?"
I looked over at her, a little startled but nodded slowly and ambled up from my chair to go stand at the foot of the bed, where the child still sat now cradled over the bed slightly in her arms.
Cautiously, I approached the still crying infant and placed one hand gently on the greenish-yellow cord and put the blades of the scissors on it, ready to chop into it. But, as I did so, I quickly realized that the material of this now useless apparatus was in fact much tougher than it looked and it took more than a few attempts before I finally severed through the material, causing it to detach from the child.
Angelina then placed a small clip-like thing on the end of it, that was still attached to the baby, and then scooped it up into a clean towel and whisked it off into the bathroom so that she could properly clean it.
I still didn't know what it was, but it didn't really matter because right then, Ciel let out another low groan.
There wasn't much time to react after that, because what happened next entailed more pushing from Ciel and then a splat of something quite large and foreign emerged quickly and landed onto the still bloody towels beneath him.
I stared in horror at the blob of veins and flesh and tried not to vomit at the mere smell that it gave off, permeating the room with the foul stench.
But, when Ciel's aunt returned now holding a wrapped up bundle which I assumed was our son or daughter, she didn't appear to be phased in the least at the ghastly sight of matter below somehow also attached to Ciel.
Instead, she grabbed the bucket from earlier and picked up the strange foreign matter carefully before depositing it into it.
She laughed when she saw mine and Ciel's disgusted faces.
"Oh really now Michaelis, you've been alive for God only knows how long and you've never seen a placenta before? Honestly..."
I looked at her still confused, and decided silently just to research what it was later once Ciel had finally gotten to sleep.
She smiled, also dismissing the matter and instead handed me the small, warm bundle that had been cradled in her arms.
"It's a girl.", she told us, Ciel's droopy eyelids immediately shooting open at the words.
I stared down at the little bundle in my arms and took a moment just to marvel at how tiny her little hands were, her little feet, her messy ebony locks, and her big, bright, crystalline, blue eyes that were the spitting image of Ciel's.
Angelina had wrapped her in a carnation pink blanket with little intricate swirl patterns decorating the cloth's edges.
She was perfect and she was ours.
Finally, remembering that Ciel was still beside me, I got up from my chair and carefully placed our daughter in his arms.
He looked tiredly down at the bundle and smiled a little when she tried to reach one of her little hands up to touch his face.
He even laughed when he heard her let out a small, contented sigh and her little head of raven-coloured locks gently fell against the crook of his arm, as he tried to sit up with her.
I could see it in his eyes that he was extremely happy to share this little miracle with me and that he was deeply sorry he ever left me.
"I-I'm sorry if I ever called you demon spawn.", he told her, as he used one hand to gently stroke her soft, little head of fuzzy hair.
"I-I'm so glad you're here and that you get to be a part of our family. Raya Angelina Rachel Michaelis."
His aunt looked over surprised.
"You're giving her my name as one of her names?"
Ciel nodded and he smiled.
"Yes, Auntie Red, it's the least I can do to thank you for helping me out the way you did. I hope you don't mind..."
Angelina shook her head.
"Mind? Why would I mind? Ciel, I am truly honoured that you'd do that for me."
Ciel looked relieved, but then he felt me tap his shoulder.
"What is it, demon?", he asked, trying to sound threatening but was far too tired to even care whether he did or not.
"Y-You're giving her my last name? Why? Shouldn't she remain a Phantomhive?"
But, he just shook his head and then rolled his eyes as if that were a truly ridiculous thing to say. Which it probably was.
"Well, it only makes sense Sebastian, considering you're her father. I mean, it's not like she's my little sister, she's my daughter and your's too. So that dear demon of mine, is why her last name will be Michaelis. Any questions?"
I chuckled, even after birthing his first child, Ciel was still able to remain his no-nonsense self and was still effortlessly arguing with me about matters such as these.
"Very well, then I guess it's official. Welcome to the world, Raya Angelina Rachel Michaelis."
In response, my daughter did what I assumed was a little kitten-like sneeze of approval and we both laughed like the new lovestruck parents we were and then took a much needed nap, while Angelina made sure that Raya was fed before I heard her distress call, that would've no doubt woken Ciel up.

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