Ciel's POV #3

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Going outside now, I was more conscientious about how I looked whilst walking among people.
When I had first gotten to Paris, I had spent the first three days or so in my new room, just lying on my bed, and wishing that I hadn't been so naive to believe that bastard's words.
But now, due to the fact that I was expecting a baby (or a demon's spawn if you looked at it that way...) my aunt thought that it might be 'good for the baby' if I started going outside a little each day to get some fresh air. She also said it was good for me and I really didn't have the energy to argue with her about something like that.
So, reluctantly I went for a walk today around the neighbourhood where she lives and to pick up some groceries for her in the downtown market square.
I'd been minding my own business and all, just doing as she's told me to do, when I thought I saw him.
A tall, dark-haired man clad in a large black overcoat that seemed to basically hide his face from view except for his two glowing, crimson orbs that stood out in the blackness of his ensemble.
Startled, I stepped back and almost dropped the small parcel of food I was holding on to.
'It couldn't be him...could it?', my thoughts seemingly asked, disbelieving.
But, I knew then without a doubt that it was.
With that realization, I hurriedly purchased the last of the items I was sent out to acquire and hastily ran back down the cobblestone alleyways, until I saw my aunt Red's chateau come into view.
Quickly, I ran to the door and began pounding on the wooden surface of it, hoping against hope that she was home.
Aunt Red opened the door and looked at me, an expression of worry suddenly plastered to her pale, rogue-lipped face.
"Ciel? Honey, what's wrong?", she asked, as I then broke down into shaky sobs.
"I-I saw him! H-He was at the market! I-I saw him, Auntie Red!"
She immediately ushered me inside again and once we were alone and she was certain I was safe, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Shhh, it's okay, my dear little nephew. Nobody is going to hurt you, anymore...He's not going to hurt you, anymore..."
Her words brought an overwhelming sense of relief and comfort to me and I sobbed harder against her, my legs barely keeping me upright.
I felt them give out from under me and my whole body collapsed.
Almost too quickly, aunt Red picked me up and helped me back upstairs to my bed chambers, knowing full well that I'd definitely had enough of the outside world, for one day.
She disappeared after she had set me down on the bed's now freshly laid out duvet and returned mere seconds later with a small bone china tea cup, but the contents was not tea, but cold water.
My aunt smiled at me slightly as she placed the cup in my still trembling hands.
"All that tea isn't good for you, right now. You need to drink plenty of fluids, water mainly, for the baby."
It still got to me when she said anything to do with my unborn child, because to me it all just seemed like a complete mistake.
Like, something I shouldn't really care about...
"T-Thank you, Auntie Red.", I said finally, taking a sip of the tasteless, pure liquid.
I felt the coolness of it go down my throat and I suddenly felt okay, again.
As if whatever had happened in the market hadn't really mattered at all.
I slowly looked over at her, she was still sitting on the edge of my bed.
In the afternoon, early evening light her bright red hair seemed to shimmer with an unearthly quality to it, almost as if she were not of this world.
It made me shudder, yet brought a delightful sound up and out of my throat.
I was laughing.
Aunt Red gave me a concerned expression at my sudden outburst, but then she too began to laugh and before we both knew it, we were laughing hysterically for no good reason at all, as if we were both really just mental illness patients trapped in an insane asylum.
Finally, we stopped and she told me that I should just lay low for the rest of what was remaining of the day, and that she would call me down to dinner when it was ready.
Then, she quickly exited my bed chambers and I was left to my own thoughts of well...everything.
But, mainly of Sebastian.
I tried to imagine why he had gone to the market square today in Paris of all places and I just couldn't figure it out.
So instead, I pushed away any remaining thoughts of Sebastian, and got up to look in the full-length mirror by my bed.
I didn't know what I was looking for, surely not a baby bump or anything, it had only been less than a week and that was too soon to start showing, usually.
But, one never really knew when it came to demons...
I ended up stripping myself down to the point that I was just wearing my dress shirt and stared vaguely at myself in the shiny surface, as if it were the first time I'd looked at myself before.
True, this would be the first time since that night, that I had dared to look into a mirror at my used body.
'He used me...', I reminded myself, silently.
'He used me...'
But, I too was to blame.
I'd fallen for his conniving ways.
His mesmerizing laugh.
The way he could always seem to make me smile...
And that, sickened me to no end.
That was also what made me turn quickly away from my reflection, only to do a double take at what I suddenly saw then.
There beneath my white, button up shirt, barely visible really, was a small, rounded bump, that could only be seen slightly from the side.
With a gasp, I put a hand to my mouth and broke down again, my tears spilling out of my eyes and down my cheeks.
It was official.
There was undeniable truth, now.
I was going to have Sebastian's baby.
When I wasn't actually sure, but I was going to, anyway.
After I was sure I had cried myself to the point that I couldn't cry anymore, I looked back into the mirror's glassy, polished surface again and slowly pushed the fabric of my dress shirt up, so that I could feel the flesh of my abdomen.
Upon inspection, I realized with a little shock, that it was already taunt and that there seemed to be a slight flutter inside of it, almost as if the fairly new growing life within it was already trying to function on its own, despite being trapped inside me.
"Ciel, dinner's ready!", yelled my aunt Red then, causing me with a start, to quickly put all of my clothes back on and dash down the stairs.
My aunt frowned when she saw me rush in.
"Honestly dear nephew, you shouldn't run so. It's not good for the baby."
I rolled my eyes at her incredulously and sat down at the dining room table next to her in one of the high-backed, elegantly upholstered chairs.
With that, we began to eat, not really talking much, but rather, enjoying the warmth of each other's company, and just being glad to have if only, that in itself.

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