Sebastian's POV #6

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AN: So, peeps what do you think of Tonya/Liana my female demon OC???
I think she's pretty great, especially of she can talk sense into Sebby and be a good friend for him.
Enjoy, friends! : )
P.S. There will probs be NO updates on any of my currently active stories cause, I'm gonna be working in my fam's business tomorrow and then going to Shoppers to FINALLY acquire the 'new' Harper Lee book then I'll go home and probs do some much overdue reading. I really don't read enough, well except fanficition, lol. XD

Liana returned just as the sun rose, her arms filled with parcels of clothes and stuff she must have got while she was in Paris, spying on Ciel.
I watched her try to maneuver all of her boxes through the front door to the manor, and heard her swear under her breath when she dropped five of them. A circular one that I guessed was a hat box, flying open so that the hat or should I say 'chapeau' that had been inside of it, landed somewhere off near the bottom of the grand staircase. Carefully, I stooped down and picked it up before helping her carry all of her parcels to the front parlour.
When she finally was seated on the sofa, and I had placed a fresh cup of earl grey tea in her gloved hand, Liana began to tell me what she had seen in Paris, and what Ciel was up to.
"He had a friend over.", she told me, taking a long sip of tea, before continuing.
"An Alois Trancy? Perhaps, you know him?"
I nodded.
I was a little too familiar with that name...
He had been Ciel's long-time rival, nemesis really, and had always seen fit to bother him, whenever the opportunity arose.
"What was he doing in Paris? He lives at the Trancy manor. Alone. Well, with Claude."
She smiled and nodded, slowly.
Somehow, Liana knew Claude Faustus, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know, how...
"Like I said Sebastian, he was visiting Ciel. Due to the fact, he too had been curious about Ciel's disappearance and looked like he missed the other boy, something terrible.", she stopped then, taking another sip from her bone china teacup, thoughtfully.
I waited and she continued once more.
"They had a discussion of sorts, one that might amuse you or shock you, I'm not exactly sure which...Anyway, the whole time I was spying on him from my place on the ledge of his large window, in his bed room, he didn't get up from that bed of his, once. Well, except when Alois as you call him, pulled Ciel out of bed to spin him around the room. As all of this was going on, I caught word of a pretty interesting conversation between them. Basically, to sum it up for you, Ciel had told his friend that he could not go back to England because, of what had happened, he seemed really upset about it, but Alois was understanding about the whole thing. So, by now you're probably wondering what the hell the BIG secret of Ciel's is that caused him to up 'en leave all of a sudden. Well, here you go, the truth dear Sebby-boy, is that your 'bocchan' your 'Young Master' as you like to call him, is expecting your baby and that is why he left so suddenly to go visit his aunt. They seem to have a really close relationship and all, so I can see why he made plans to go stay with her when he found out. But, despite getting away from you, Sebastian, he seems to miss you a lot and most likely wishes you were there to support him, during this challenging time. His friend also knows he misses you and wanted Ciel to go back to England and stay with him, but Ciel told him that he wouldn't go back there, not even if you came back to him, because he seems to think that you never will..."
I didn't really hear the last part of what Liana said to me, I was still getting over the fact that Ciel-my Ciel was pregnant and expecting my baby...our baby. I just couldn't have imagined something like that happening and the idea kind of freaked me out a little bit.
Clearing my throat, I finally spoke.
"So, you're certain? He's really pregnant...because, of me...that's why he left?"
Liana nodded, and took a long moment to finish her cup of tea.
Then, she stood.
"Yep Sebby-boy, he's really going to have a baby. The signs are all there. Plus, I watched him puke up his guts into a chamberpot the other night, or morning, well whatever time it was in Paris."
My head was still reeling from it all.
'I'm going to be a father...I'm going to be a father...', I thought, still very much disbelieving.
"I'm going to be a father.", I said aloud, trying to make sense of the words. Believe them...
She nodded and got up from the sofa to give me a hug.
"Yes, you are, Sebby-boy. Which means you need to stop sleeping with all those other girls, including me, and start thinking about how you're going to win back Ciel's love and affection. Ya know? You're not just some 'player demon' anymore Sebastian, you need to start realizing that and then you will be able to get him back."
Her words touched something in me, and I immediately wanted to be with Ciel again. I wanted to touch him...hold him...kiss him...tell him that I loved him...
But, no that wasn't possible because, I'd gone and done the one thing I now regretted. I had taken others that weren't my Ciel, to bed with me instead, trying to numb the ache in my empty chest at the thought of slowly losing him.
Now, I was certain I had lost him.
Maybe, for good...
At some point, I started crying into her shoulder, dampening her lovely buttercream, yellow dress with my tears.
It was rare for a demon to cry.
For if one did, it meant that they were beyond distressed and were what humans often referred to as: 'being in a state of depression'.
That was me right then, feeling like a complete jerk because, of what I did to my poor Ciel...
I really had to stop this, all this 'one nightstand' business wasn't good for me and could not be good for those I had taken advantage of.
I sighed, finally releasing my grip on her puffy, yellow, taffeta-clad shoulder.
"I know that, Liana. I know that, now."
There was a moment of silence between us, before I whispered out my last thought.
"But, I am not sure how to get him back..."

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