Chapter 5 - Where Am I?

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I'm cold and scared, I don't know where I am, for miles all I can see is darkness. I call out hoping that anyone or anything will hear me but there is no response all of a sudden there is a small glow all around me. I look down to my side to see a small lantern, I pick it up and then out of no where the ground begins to rumble as great, big, obsidian crystals erupt from the floor on both sides making a clear pathway indicating for me to walk it. I bravely move forward treading the newly created passage which looks like Im walking on glass as disturbing faces and hands began to appear and claw away looking like they are trying to escape, I carried on despite the current situation I was in.

What felt like I had been travelling for hours was probably in reality only a few minutes, in my line of sight I could see a translucent block. As I get closer I see it's covered in frost it must be a block of ice. I walk up to it and look through, before my eyes a scene projects of a little girl sitting in a room, she was reading a book of some sort that's when it hit me that the little girl was in fact me when I was younger and that I am stuck in a mirror.

I desperately bang on the glass trying to get my attention, finally my other self acknowledges me but this time she looks different. Her mouth is gagged and her hands and feet are tied I also notice a collar and chain around her neck like a dog, I follow the lead and look behind her to see Mr Way smirking sinisterly he wraps the end of the lead tighter around his hand shortening the distance between him and my younger self. I look back to myself to find that my face expression has changed again, I look terrified. Mr Way then captures my attention as he points behind me and before I can turn around I'm dragged backwards by claws into the dark abyss.

I jolted awake gasping for air, it was just a bad dream thank god. Although I still feel tired and my head hurts like a bitch. I go to rub my temples but my hands are pulled back I look down through squinted eyes to see that my hands are restrained to metal arm rests with handcuffs. This is when panic begins to set in as I take in my surroundings I'm in a dim room but I can make out lots of apparatus and equipment of some sort, I then notice that I'm sat in what appears to be a dentists chair, why the hell am I at a dentist!? I must still be dreaming I try shutting my eyes tightly and then opening them again hoping to wake up but almost cry when I remain in the same bleach smelling room. As I wake up more I notice more things around me, in my arms there are various tubes connecting to different machines.

"Someone help me!" I scream trying to squirm free of the handcuffs.

"I see you're awake now" a male voice spoke.

"Who are you!?" I asked but there was no reply.

"Show your face you fucking coward!" I shouted shaking my wrists.

"Hey no need to get fiery now" he said calmly.

"I don't care who the fuck you are but you better let me go or else-" I stopped mid sentence when the owner of the voice stepped out from the shadows and stood in front of me.

"You are a feisty little Madame aren't you? I like it" Mr Way smirked.

"W-why am I here?" I said my voice cracking.

"Because I care about you Amy I always have and always will" he smiled.

"Wait.. Were you the intruder back at my house!? How the fuck did you know where I lived!?" I shouted I had lost all calmness.

"I followed you home one day obviously, did it not click when I sent you the scarf?" He asked I thought back to the gift I had been sent.

To Amy,

Meet me at the park, it's cold outside so wear this scarf. I'll see you soon

Mr Way xoxo

Fuck. I knew someone had been following me all along.

"Please let me go I promise I won't tell anyone your secret and I know Frank will-" shit what happened to Frank?

"Where is Frank?" I asked.

"Who?" He shrugged, half smiling.

"Stop playing fucking games! Where is he!?" I screamed.

"He's out of the picture now don't you worry my angel" Mr Way said kneeling down and grabbing my hand rubbing it soothingly.

"You didn't" I stared at him before tears began to fall down my cheeks I hung my head limply my body having gone numb, Mr Way sighed.

"He's alive" he said letting go of my hand and standing up again, my head jolted up.

"Well where is he then?" I glared at him.

"Now that would be telling Miss Bliss" he giggled this man is crazy. I looked down again.

"Oh please stop sulking beautiful, you should be happy you're here with me now" he said lifting my face up stroking my cheek with his thumb and his fingers resting on my chin like before.

"It's hard when I'm like this" I said moving my arms.

"I had to restrain you so you didn't run away when you woke up" he spoke.

"Well what about these tubes? Did you drug me? Was that the only way you could get me to come with you huh?" I spat in his face.

"Those are feeding tubes. You were asleep for a few days, I didn't want you to starve" he stated.

"What about when I needed to go to the toilet?" I asked he closed his mouth and pointed downwards, I looked down at my lap to find another one of those tubes. Pissing myself would've been less embarrassing.

"Why did you bring me to a dentist of all places?" I questioned.

"Actually it's a hospital, abandoned of course, part of this used to be a mental institution" he replied.

"Oh great" I sighed hospitals bloody terrify me.

"I really wish I could let you free" he began.

"You can" I interrupted.

"But I can't trust you yet" he finished.

"YOU can't trust ME!? You've got to be fucking joking!" I shouted.

"Exactly what I mean, you're not in the right state of mind at the moment until you are I'm afraid I have to keep you like this a little longer" he frowned. I took a deep breath.

"See I'm relaxed now, totally calm. So you can let me go now" I smiled.

"Stop being silly, you must be hungry I'll go make you something to eat, wait right here" he said walking away and out of the rusted door.

"Don't you dare fucking leave! Get the fuck back here you fucker! You haven't answered all my fucking questions yet! Aahhh!" I cursed at him 'wait right here' what the fuck else can I do? I sighed, I hope Frank is okay it's my fault he's caught up in all this in the first place, god I'm such a screw up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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