Chapter 1 - Mr Way

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Amy's P.O.V -

As I stared forlornly into the mirror I thought 'wow I'm disgusting' I frowned and continued to brush my hair. I placed the brush down on my desk, i was now ready for another day of living hell! In hindsight at least I would be able to stay with my favourite teacher, I beamed at the thought.

I walked into my kitchen where I made a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. I finished my cereal and sipped a bit of the coffee it burnt my mouth a little but I didn't care. I placed them in the sink ready to wash up later. I then grabbed my school bag and walked to the door. I took one last look in the mirror then left I walked down the apartment stairs and out in the bitter cold morning.

I wasn't yet old enough to drive so I had to walk, it only takes like 10 minutes to get to my school so I don't mind too much. I soon enough arrived at the school gates looking out for Bob and Ray, if they catch me I'll be dead for sure. I successfully sneaked past the gates without any hindrance and into the entrance of the school I was now nearing art class when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"hey emo-Amy where do you think your going?" I turned round to see the school bullies Bob Bryar and Ray Toro.

Bob had a big smirk on his face he was still gripping my shoulder tightly, it was bound to leave a mark like the abiding ones he's already left.

"just because of the genre of music i listen to does not make me 'emo' and to answer your question I'm going to lessons should you have a problem with that please leave a message in the nofucksgiven box " I snapped back regretting it instantly I tried to walk away but he kicked the back of my legs making me fall on my face.

"yeah actually I do smartass, your not going just yet" Bob smirked with that he raised his fist then connected with my face I yelped and placed my hands over my face it hurt a fucking lot I've probably got a black eye too! He then kicked me in the abdomen, I curled up into a ball clutching my stomach I coughed and little splats of blood sprayed over the ground. They gave me one last blow to the face before they walked away cackling, I cowered in the corner crying my eyes out while the crowd of ignorant spectators slowly departed one after the other .

I eventually got up off the floor my eyes were all puffy and red but I still managed to make my way to Mr Ways classroom. I hid my face behind my hair in the hope that he wouldn't notice. It was already period 1 so I was super late.

I opened the door, Mr Way stopped talking and stared at me along with the class it was dead silent. I shuffled towards my desk, got out the supplies that I needed and then sat down. Mr Way slowly approached me he leaned down so his face was in front of mine probably about to give me a lecture, I prepared myself.

"your late" he said calmly then he walked back to the front of the classroom and continued teaching the rest of the class.

For the rest of the lesson I kept my head down being careful not to make any eye contact with any one else. Bob and Ray kept firing spit balls at me, like the real mature 'men' they are. The bell rang for lunch I stayed in my seat while everyone else rushed out knowing that wasn't all Mr Way wanted to say to me. I still kept my head down Mr Way started walking towards me he knelt down in front of me. He tucked the hair out of my face behind my ears he then carefully traced my eye with his fingers.

"Amy, who did this to you?" He said concern in his voice he was stroking my cheek with his thumb and his fingers were resting on my chin at this point I might address that there is only 3 years difference between me and him and he doesn't treat me like a student thus it is not as weird as you'd imagine it to be.

"no one don't worry, its not a big deal anyway" I lied trying to smile but it hurt so much.

"yes it is a big deal, tell me who did this to you so I can teach them a lesson!" He said his face was starting turn red and his eyes were so full of hatred, why is he so angry about all this? I sighed.

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