Chapter 4 - Save Yourself I'll Hold Him Back

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I place the last pillow standing it up so that it leaned against the other creating a tent I then crawled inside it joining Frank in our little fortress we made. We're prepared, inside our tent we have knives, crosses, a wooden spoon but we've sharpened the end so it's now a wooden stake and we have garlic so we should be safe for now.

"Well, when I moved schools i can safely say that I didn't expect that to happen... At all" Frank spoke trying to lighten he mood

"Yeah me neither... holy crap Frank, vampires are real, and there is one working at our school" I commented staring at the air in front of me

"I know, it's crazy" he replied also daydreaming. We laid there in silence for a few minutes before all of a sudden there were three harsh knocks at the door, me and Frank both shot up and stared at each other with the same worries expression on our faces

"Who the hell is that!?" I questioned, Frank shrugged his shoulders

"I don't know, go check it" he said nudging me

"No! You go bloody check it, you're the man here" I whispered violently, there were a few more knocks

"Hello?" It was a males voice

"Oh my god we're gonna die!" I began to panic

"It's been nice knowing you these last couple of days Amy" he said

"You too Frank, damn there was so many things I wanted to do before I die" I said hugging Frank, he hugged me back

"Me too, oh god I'm gonna die a virgin" Frank cried

"Aahhh!" We screamed in sync the male knocked again

"Hello? I've got a pizza delivery here for a Frank Iero?" I looked at Frank

"Are you serious? We're possibly being hunted by our teacher who just so happens to be a blood sucking vampire and you think it's the time to order pizza!?" I asked him

"I thought we'd be here a long time so I ordered some food so at least we don't starve to death" he replied

"Twat, you scared me" I sighed slapping his arm. I crawled out from the fortress and ran to the door, I tip toed peeping through the spy hole. There stood a bored looking teenager, I slowly opened the door

"Hey sorry about that I was in the bathroom" I lied

"Don't worry about it, that'll be £7.50" he said, my smile dropped

"Uh hold on" I said walking to my jacket that was hung up, I pulled out some loose change and managed to round up exactly £7.50

"Nice den" the teenage boy said, I returned to the door

"It's a tent but thanks" I said placing the money in his hands and swapping it with the pizza box. I went to close the door but I noticed he was still standing there

"Can I help you?" I asked sounding ruder than I wished

"Uh i-it's just... Are you single?" He asked his cheeks starting to turn pink

"Uh no, I have a boyfriend" I lied for the second time

"Really, that sucks" he replied looking down at his feet

"Yeah his name is uh, Frank" I said hoping he would leave but he continued to stand there

"What do you want?" I spoke starting to get impatient

"Can I at least get a tip?" He asked

"It's raining out, take an umbrella" I replied and closed the door on his face. I returned to Frank with the pizza

O.M.G! My Teachers Dead!! {Gerard Way}Where stories live. Discover now