Chapter 3 - What Just Happened

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There i was headbanging and jumping along to All Time Low who were playing at Warped Tour. I was squashed by the crowd and i kept being shoved around but i didn't care, i like the way people just came here to listen to their favourite band play and don't care what anyone else thinks. I look back up at the stage to find Alex staring at me singing Therapy i blushed, i felt like he was singing to me "give *beep* me *beep* therapy *beep*" Alex sung, what? "I'm a *beep* walking *beep* travesty" *beep* *beep* *beep* the sound of my alarm woke me up from my amazing dream. I hate when that happens, the bestest part of your dream is coming up and then BAM reality kicks in and you have to wake up.

I groan and slowly drag myself out of bed and proceed with my morning routine - bathroom, hair + make up, breakfast and then leave. As i open the door i catch Frank now walking down the stairs

"hey Frank" i greeted

"oh hi Amy" he smiled and we carried on walking outside. I offered to share my earphones, so we walked side by side with one earphone in listening to my iPod. We were halfway to school

"some pretty weird stuff happened last night" Frank said looking uneasy

"like what?" i ask curious

"well when i got in from school i still had that feeling that i was being watched but i decided to ignore it and go to sleep but when i woke up this morning some of my things had been thrown on the floor and these strange marks have appeared on my arm" he said rolling up the sleeve of his jacket revealing three scratches on his forearm

"oh my god! your apartment is haunted!... ... awesome!" i said and we both laughed.

We arrive at school soon enough and make our way to Mr Way's classroom, we enter and sit in our seats. Mr Way is just sitting at the front of the classroom doing a little doodle. His eyes don't move from the paper as he decides to ignore us, he continues to do this until the whole class has arrived and the bell goes off

"right class today we are learning Algebra" Mr Way said and the whole class moaned.

With double Algebra and English out of the way it was now lunch, finally I'm starving. I grabbed my bag and me and Frank made a dash for it. We were halfway to the cafeteria when Frank spoke

"oh crap i forgot my jacket, i left it in the classroom"

"okay lets quickly go back and grab it and then get something to eat cause I'm starving!"

"okay" he agreed. And so we made our way back through all the corridors again.

We arrive at Mr Way's classroom, the door is open slightly letting a ray of sun light escape. I slowly push the door open completely and i saw Mr Way crouching over a girl lying on the floor, shes probably just fainted and Mr Way is helping her. I walk further in

"is she okay?" i ask Mr Way's head snaps up as he turns and faces me i gasp at the sight of what i see, his menacing face is fixed on me, his red, sunken eyes stared at me with an evil glare, his mouth covered with blood some dripping off his fangs, fangs!? holy hell!! i look at the the body lying in a pile of deep, red blood, it was Betty James no one really noticed her poor girl shes just an innocent soul, a ghost really

"I'm n-not hungry a-anymore" i stutter as i slowly make my way back towards the door where Frank stands speechless with his mouth open wide. I grab his hand and drag him along with me as i run towards the exit

"where are we going!?" Frank shouted

"home, its the safest place to go" i reply, we run for fear of our life all the way home.

I frantically shove the door open resulting in it slamming into the wall with great force, i kick it shut and lock it. I then drag Frank into my kitchen and we dive under my counter

"OK what the hell just happened!?" i asked trying to catch my breath

"well its clear your teacher is a freaking vampire" he said laughing nervously

"what are we going to do!? he knows we know about his secret, he'll come for us!" i say panicking

"well he doesn't know where you live right? So we should be safe for now until we figure out a plan" he says scratching his head

"okay" i reply.

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