Chapter 4

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This has been the worst first day of school ever. Not so much because of the teasing and picking, but because I have never... never started a school year without Braxton.

Thank God I have Mandi. She has really stepped up to the plate. I told her where to meet me so we could walk to our classes together. The first three periods, we have together. We also have first lunch together.

I do not have many places to run in school. I have a feeling I will run in to Braxton eventually. I have played that scene out in my head over and over again. What will I do? I have a plan. If I see him I will just keep walking and act as if I hadn't. The problem is I just don't know if I will be able to go through with it.

I had to go the long way to first period so that I would avoid the water fountain that I am supposed to meet Brax at. Assuming he is still trying to see me. I know him, he won't give up. Not until he gets a good enough reason for my disappearance. I still haven't figured out what to say to him about that. The truth will not be good enough for him. I hate to lie to him. I don't want to hurt him. I just want him to live a little. I feel like once he sees how happy he will be, he will understand.

"Hey girl, have you seen Brax?" Mandi asked me as she turned to walk in the other direction, towards our first period class.

"No, not yet anyway," I was looking down at my feet as I walked.

"Well I have homeroom with him. And he told me to tell you something." she had a grin on her face.

I know that Mandi has had a long time crush on Brax. Of course a lot of girls do. Her face turned a light shade of pink. She must have been thinking about him.

"He said he begs you to call him or text him, he wants to know what he has done wrong" I could see the pity come across her face as her words, burned bruises into my heart.

"I told him, you said he had done nothing wrong. That it was your fault not his, I also told him I knew for sure you missed him."  I could have hugged her right then.

"Oh Mandi I am so glad you told him that. I have wanted to tell him that for days" I walked in silence for a moment, rolling her words around in my mind.

“Did he ask me to call him before or after you told him that?" I asked with high hopes that it was before. That would mean he had enough information. If he still asked after she told him. He was not satisfied with her telling him.

"After, why?"

I moaned, Nope it was not enough for him.

"Just wondering" I replied standing in front of the class room. 

I took a deep breath and walked in with my head hung low, Mandi following, almost stepping on my heels.

"I will explain it all to him one day, when he will understand, but until then, I don't know what to tell him" I said loud enough for the whole class to hear.

"Well you better come up wit something quick." Mandi grabbed my shoulder “like right now" she finished.

The sudden pull on my shoulder made me stop and look at her. She was staring in front of me. I turned around quickly to be face to face with Braxton.

"So we have English Lit together this year. Of course if my best friend would have called or texted me in the last four days, I would have known that already."

To anyone else his voice would have been cold and hard. But I knew what it really is.... hurt.

I looked into his beautiful crystal blue eyes, trying hard to think of what to do now.  Mandi ended up being, not so much help after all. She had ran to the back of the classroom and held two desks for us side by side. 

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