A/N Please read

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I am so excited to announce that My Life is in the first steps of being published. Before too much longer you will be able to purchase this book all over the world either as an ebook or a paper back or hard back copy. I hope that you will keep an eye out for my post telling where and when you can get it. I will keep you posted as I am posted.

Right now, as of Feb 15th 2012, it is in editors review. This process could take up to three weeks. Then once I get the review I will make the necassary changes and resubmit the manuscript. I will let you all know what is going on as it happens.

I am so anxious to get my review...learning patience without choice!

Thank you all for standing behind me and voting for me. You all are one of the biggest reasons why I finally stepped out and took this chance. You truley are my friends not just fans.

I also will be keeping posts on my Tumblr account. Please stop by and see me.


Love you all


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