Chapter 7

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Braxton was here on time to pick me up for school. As I walked closer to his car, I could see the smile of satisfaction that I was actually there, like he had demanded.

"Good morning, I will be going to Aunt Mae's in two weeks," I wanted to get this out of the way first thing.  I knew it wasn't going to go over very well and didn't want the subject hanging over our heads for the whole fifteen minute ride to school.

"Well at least we will be able to spend the two weekends together."  He was expecting me to protest I guess because he kept looking at me, then the road, then me, like he was waiting to argue.

"Yea we will" I said simply. I looked at him and grinned.

I wanted to tell him about the doctors so bad. But I decided I might curse it somehow and didn't say a word.

The rest of the trip to school we talked like the last 5 days had not happened at all. We were laughing and singing music, which I didn't sing as loud as him, and for a minute everything felt normal again.  Then we pulled into the school parking lot. Both of us looked at each other... I believe he may dread this place more than I do. The concern, flooded back into his eyes.

"Ill see you in first period" I smiled at him and got out of the car. He went towards his homeroom, and I went towards mine.

As I was walking to my locker to pull out the books I never got out yesterday. A group of girls came walking up to me.

The cheerleaders.

 They always had wonderful things to say to me (dripping sarcasm). I focused hard on my locker trying to not make eye contact with any of them and maybe they would just walk on by without picking on me.

Jennifer Gripply walked up beside me.

"Hi Jennifer,” I tried to sound as nice as possible.

"Addy the girls and I wanted to know if you want to eat lunch with us today."  She stared at me waiting on a reply.

What was the catch, the punch line, they had never been nice to me before in my life. Why now?  Something weird was going on.

"Really?" I asked unable to hide the suspicious looks I was giving all three of them.

"Yes really, we would love to have lunch with you." she smiled so sweetly.

'Um Okay...sure" I was still waiting on the joke.

"Okay we will see you then" she said and all three girls walked off.

What the hell was that? I watched all three girls walk down the hall and around the corner.

The bell rang informing me I was late for homeroom. "Crap Monkeys!!" 

I loaded my book-bag with all the books I needed and ran, as fast and I could run, towards my homeroom class.


Homeroom and First Period went by fast.

In first period Mandi, Brax, and I sat all together. Braxton was happy, and so was I. Mandi stayed red the whole class. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

She would get to spend so much time with him while I was gone. If she thinks she likes him now, before long she will be in love with him.

Wow I hadn't thought about that. How hard was it going to be to come home and have to watch Braxton with girls? I was jealous of the thought of Mandi getting to hang out with him, what would happen when I seen him kiss a girl for the first time, hold her hand, or her sit on his lap, touching him period.  I had a sharp pain explode in my heart.

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