Chapter 11

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Braxton (POV)


It has been over a month since Addy left for New York.  I wish I could tell you that the time is flying by for me, but its not.

Her phone calls are coming less and when she actually does call they are getting shorter and shorter.

A couple of times, I have called her and heard some guys voice in the back ground, along with others, but the guys stood out to me for obvious reasons.

It’s not like she didn't tell me all about her new friends or that she was trying to hide this guy from me. But I am still madly jealous. I mean I am jealous of all of them, even Mae.

They all get to spend time with Addy every day. They see her and could touch her if they wanted to. While all I get is to wait on damn phone calls, and text messages. 

I have thought about surprising her and just showing up one weekend. I am starting to think that maybe she is hiding something from me. I don't understand how she doesn't want me to come. Why?

The day before she left, we spent the night making out. That sounds so horrible, it was so much more than that to me, but I am wondering if she doesn't regret it.

If I had it my way I would be on the phone with her every free moment I have; texting every moment in between. If it was up to her, I think she could easily go days without calling at all.

I am not sure if I am pissed, hurt, or both. I know the more I think about it the more the emotions swell up in my chest; I have got to get out and do something. Sitting in this house by the damn phone is driving me crazy!


Thank God Mandi is home. I have been bugging the crap out of her I know. But it seems like every where I go Jennifer turns up... but she would never turn up at Mandi's.

"You want to go to Starbucks, and get a coffee?"  Mandi was pulling her pocket book over her shoulder as she walked towards my car.

"I guess so" I laughed and shook my head as I pulled my keys back out of my pocket.

"Have you heard from Addy today?" I asked hoping she would say yes, and tell what they talked about, but hoped she said no, because I hadn't.

"She texted me earlier and said that her and Caroline were going to do some site seeing today."  She was putting her seat belt on as I pulled out of her driveway.

"Did she say anything about me?" I asked fully aware of how pathetic I sounded. I couldn't help it.

"She said she missed you. And the time was going by too slow."  I had a gut feeling she was lying, trying to save my feelings.

"I miss her more than she knows."  I sighed and starred out of the windshield.

The parking lot of Starbucks was loaded, but we went in anyway.

I ordered my usual and Mandi ordered hers. I paid for them both and we walked to the only empty table, it was one outside on the sidewalk.

"Can I talk to you honestly; I know I am asking a lot, but only between us, don't tell Addy?"  Mandi looked suddenly nervous as my request sunk in.

"I want you to be honest with me Mandi, no matter what the answers are okay? Please" I was trying to push her into agreeing without actually giving her a choice.

She sort of nodded and drank her coffee.

"Does Addy regret being with me? I mean, I do realize I have never actually, officially, asked her to be my girlfriend, but the night before she left, well I thought it was pretty clear for both of us. She told me how much she loved me, and I didn't really have the chance to tell her everything, but if nothing else she knows I love her."

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