UPDATE 4-4-2012

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Hi all!

I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on with My Life. Most of you know that this book is in the process of being published, I had NO idea how hard this really was going to be! The first edit it finished. I am happy to announce that the book has at least 8, maybe a couple more heehee, brand new chapters from Braxton's point of view, that has never been seen before. Sorry :( it's a surprise for the published version only. However the fans of Brax will be very please with these chapters.

It is now going thru the grammar stage of publishing, I am still trying despratley to find a professional editor, that I can actually afford, for the thrid and final edit. Please, pray for me! lol who knew an editor was so expensive!

Also, I am overly proud to annoucne that the publishing company I chose has put me up for the editor's choice award. To be honest, I was extremely shocked!!

I know you all get sick of hearing it, I know you do, but I want to thank every single one of you AGAIN! I can never express to you what you mean to me. I have been writing since I was in middle school but never really thought that anyone would care to read a southern bum's stories. As a few of you know the story is based on actual events of my own life, so to say the least, this was a very personal and sometimes hard story to share and write. I truley love each and everyone of you and I can never, ever, thank you enough for giving me the courage and the inspiration to take this story as far as it will possibly go.

I keep hitting speed bumps in my publishing journey, money being the main issue, but please believe, I will never, NEVER, give up! Thank you for not giving up on me!

August 2012 is the "Hope" date!  I'll update you all asap. Hopefully sooner than later!

God Bless,

EB {)i(}

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