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Addicted to the Alpha


Mia Sanders

What the actual fuck?

Normally, that sentence runs through my head about twice a day (given my fairly positive attitude), but at this moment, it is the only thought my mind could process.

Today is July 31st, also known as Dean and I's wedding anniversary. And it just happened to be our first.

I woke up, expecting to be involved with one of Dean's romantic escapades like I do every morning, but I never did. In fact, he wasn't even in bed with me! Not once have I ever woken up without him by my side.

I decided to stand up to look for him, when a wave of nausea hit me like a truck.

I stood in place for a few seconds, hoping my head would stop spinning enough for me to look around for Dean.

I heard a small bark and looked to my right, seeing Max sitting by the door barking.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him, petting his furry little head. He barked again.

He ran down the hall to the stairs, still barking. Thankfully, he was a small dog so he didn't have a loud bark.

"What's going on, boy?"

He was at the bottom of the steps in the blink of an eye, walking towards the kitchen. I guess he wanted his breakfast.

At the thought of breakfast, my stomach grumbled. Usually Dean made me breakfast, but obviously that wasn't going to happen right now.

I walked into the kitchen and filled Max's bowl up with dog food, setting it down and lightly tugging on his tail. He growled playfully before digging into his meal, hungry as ever.

I guess he takes after his Momma.

My stomach felt virtually empty, which is odd considering I had a snack less than 3 hours ago.

(Yes, I get up in the night and eat.)

I've been having a lot of... weird things happen to me lately.

Not weird as in creepy, weird as in I've had constant nausea (mostly in the morning), and I've been peeing basically every time I drink. Not to mention my extreme increase in appetite.

All symptoms of pregnancy.

I'm normally not someone to overthink things, but my period is also nine days late.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to go buy a pregnancy test, would it?

I sighed and figured I might as well leave now. I walked into the laundry room and tugged on a pair of skinny jeans, along with a light sweatshirt.

I grabbed my keys off of the counter, when a piece of paper caught my eye.


Sorry I didn't get to stay in bed with you this morning. I needed to handle some business, but I'll be back as soon as possible. I love you, princess.

- Dean

My heart clenched. I'm glad he didn't leave without a trace, but still no 'happy anniversary'.

I locked the door and got into the car, driving to the nearest drug store. Thankfully they were open, so I ran inside and grabbed three pregnancy tests, bringing them up to the lady at the counter.

I averted my gaze, feeling as if she would judge me. I shouldn't care considering she's a stranger, but I can't help but feel like she thinks poorly of me. I doubt she sees the wedding ring on my finger, (although it's hard to miss with a big ass diamond sticking out of it.)

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