Chapter 14- Party Gone Wrong

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* Chapter 14- Party Gone Wrong *

I stared into the large mirror, taking in my reflection. My hair was in loose waves, wheras my makeup was overdone with eyeliner and eyeshadow. Ashley insisted I wear it to blend in with the rest of them.

I sigh before walking out of the bathroom, noticing an outfit laying on my bed. Confused, I picked it up and observed the clothing, noticing it was my size. I slipped on the ripped skinny jeans and hot pink crop top, feeling both exposed and uncomfortable. I mentally debated whether I should take it off and wear something comfy, or leave it on and take a walk on the wild side for once.

Just as I was about to slide my shirt off, someone knocked on my door. I quickly walked over to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Dean. He looked at me, then looked down, then looked back up at my face. His eyes got darker as he licked his lips seductively, making me nervous. Did I look bad or something?

"Uh, is everything... okay?" I asked, unsure of why he was behaving this way. When he finally broke out of his trance, his eyes went back to normal and the corners of his lips moved upward slightly.

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that Ashley and her friends are waiting downstairs. By the way, you look great; I highly recommend you don't change", he said, shooting me a wink before disappearing down the hallway.

His one comment gave me a boost of confidence, making me decide to leave my outfit on. I grabbed some money as well as my cellphone and placed them in my purse, while sliding it over my shoulder. I threw on some black pumps and made my way downstairs where everyone was waiting.

As soon as I was in full view of everyone, they stopped what they were doing and watched me. I pursed my lips and felt my cheeks turn red, embarrassed under everyone's gaze.

"I think we'll be needing to buy you more of those clothes", I heard Dean sneer. If it were possible, my cheeks darkened about three shades and everyone laughed.

"Mia, you look amazing! I'm so glad I made that outfit decision for you", Ashley said smiling. "Anyways, Elliot, are you sure you'll be okay here?"

He nodded his head at his soon-to-be wife and pecked her lips, making everyone in the room 'aww'.

"Now, no male strip clubs please! I would like to keep you a virgin until the honeymoon", Elliot shouted after us. Ashley looked mortified at his comment but kept her cool as we proceeded to walk down the driveway and into the very nice (and very expensive) car that Katie owned.

As I squeezed into the backseat, a question popped into my head.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly. Ashley turned to look at me from the passenger seat, with a rather confused expression on her face.

"I've been wondering the same thing", she trailed off, looking over at Katie who was driving. She only smirked, then put the keys into the ignition, a loud rumbling sound exploding from the car. I shrieked, never hearing a car this loud before. Katie only giggled before we drove off to the 'mystery location'.


About a half an hour later, we pulled into a busy parking lot; loud music was blasting from inside the building and rowdy teens were scattered outside. The sign above the door read 'The Cove' in bright neon letters, gathering the attention of anyone who passed by.

Nerves suddenly got the best of me. I had never been to a night club before, and i've never been around this many people at one time. My hands grew clammy as Katie pulled into a tight parking spot, giving us very little room to exit the vehicle.

Once we all squeezed out, Katie lined us up as if we were soldiers going into battle.

"Before we enter the hottest night club in town, we must establish a few rules. Number 1: Do NOT go home with a stranger. Number 2: Don't except drinks and/or food from any strangers. Number 3: Let loose and have fun, especially you Mia. Live a little", she said smiling. I nodded my head in response, turning to look at the rest of us.

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