Chapter 1- How Could This Be?

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*Chapter 1- How Could This Be?*

I looked straight ahead of me, trying to concentrate on anything other then the fact I was in a hospital yet again.

The white walls that surrounded me made me sick; the dull white color making me want to throw up.

The whole place reeked of disinfecting spray and all you could hear was the distant cough of a sick patient, or the sobbing of someone who had lost a loved one.

I ran a hand through my knotty hair, knowing it looked like a rat's nest at this point. My hands were dry and I was exhausted, my eyes feeling as if they could shut at any possible second. A door shutting loudly broke my train of thought as I spotted a doctor walking towards the waiting room I was in. Hopefully she had the results on what was wrong with my father, and hopefully he was okay.

"Mia Evans?" She looked around and her eyes landed on me as I stood up, walking over to her quickly.

"How is my father?" I asked her immediately.

"He is stable, however we put him on a sleeping medication so he isn't awake at the moment. He is hooked up to IV's because of the dehydration and we ran a couple tests on him to find out what is wrong. You can go in and see him if you want, his room number is 233B." She smiled at me before walking into another room, tending to a patient. I walked down the long hallway until I came across room 233B. I took a deep breath before walking in, and instantly regretted it.

His face was pale and his lips were a dark shade of pink with a blue ring around them. His eyes were shut and his body was covered with bandages. A sob had escaped my mouth and I ran out of the room. I couldn't stay there, not when my father looked like that.

I drove home as fast as I could, just wanting to get as far away from the hospital as possible. However, we lived in the middle of the forest and the drive was long to go to the grocery store, let alone to the hospital.

We moved here not too long ago, just after my mother died. We lived in a very small community and we couldn't handle the pity everyone gave us, it just made us more upset. So we moved to the middle of nowhere, our nearest neighbor being seven miles away from us.

It was a little spooky at times, but even worse now since my father wouldn't be home.

I walked into the dark log cabin I called home and flicked on every light switch I could find, trying to make the house look a little less eerie.

I trudged upstairs, making my way to the bathroom. I was astonished when I saw the reflection staring back at me.

My eyes were red and puffy from crying, with dark bags prominent underneath them from exhaustion. My lips were dry and my hair was greasy looking and knotty.

I rubbed some cold water on my face, attempting to calm myself down a bit before walking down the hall into my room. I didn't even bother to change out of my clothes, I just unmade my bed and got in, wrapping myself in a blanket and shutting my heavy eyelids.

* * *

I awoke with the bright sunshine coming through my window and landing on my face. I blinked a couple times before getting used to the lighting.

I yawned and sat up, stretching my back muscles. I felt a little bit more refreshed today, but I was still stressed out. Today, they should have the results from my father's tests and hopefully they could detect what was wrong with him.

I slowly got out of bed, stretching my muscles and cracking the bones that were stiff. I made my way to the bathroom before taking a long, hot shower and clearing my head.

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