Meeting Guardians

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Your POV

"Um-okay, well I'm gonna tell you about my family okay?"

"Y-yeah, go ahead." He told me.

"When I was 17, which was last year, I was studying in my room, and my parents were watching tv in the living room. They heard someone knocking on the front door very loudly, I even heard parents didn't open the door and told me to stay in my room; with the door locked. They looked through the little hole in the door, but no one was there, until the back door broke open, I heard them scream in pain *flashback* when the murderers were gone *sniffle* I saw blood all over the floor," a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Um- the police came cleared the whole house, and no one was found after my parents were killed-murdered. So I bought a new house because I didn't want to stay in the other one where memories would haunt me."
There was silence between us for a while until Jack spoke, "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, you didn't know." I gave him a weak smile.

Jack POV

I felt bad for y/n, I want to protect her for the rest of her life even more. I looked into her eyes and wiped her tears away, and gave her a hug.
"Hey, can you come to the North Pole with me?" I asked her. "I want you to meet North, Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy."

"What? Who are they?" She asked.

"Oh yeah you don't know their nicknames. I laughed, "North is Santa, Tooth is the Tooth Fairy, Bunny is the Easter Bunny, and Sandy is the Sandman."

"Oh-wait, I get to meet them!?" I nodded at her.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, "Let's go now!"

"Geez she gets happy quickly, she was just crying 2 minutes ago." I thought.

"Jack! Let's go!" She got up and pulled me down stairs.

"Hold on! Slow down!" I caught up to y/n and scooped her up, while the winds carried us. I looked into her beautiful e/c eyes.
"She's so beautiful-JACK! What are you thinking? You just met her!"

I snapped out of my thoughts as we made our way to the North Pole.

"Woah," y/n said, "This place is huge." She smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Your POV
"Jack you're back!" Tooth exclaimed, checking his teeth. He pulled away and she looked mad.

"I want everyone to stop what they're doing!" Jack yelled.
The rest of the guardians came into the 'Globe Room' and looked at Jack.

"What are ya doing mate?" Bunny asked. "I want you to meet y/n, I saved her from falling into a lake.
All of the attention was pointed to me. I  smiled and waved.

"She can see us!?" They all asked in sync.

"Yeah I know! It's so cool!" Jack said. The guardians suddenly surrounded me. "What's your name? Do you floss? How old are you? How can you see us?"

"Hey! Hold up!" Jack yelled, "One at a time! "North, you go first," Jack told him.

He laughed his jolly laugh and asked me "What your name my dear?"
"My name is y/n." I told him
"How can you see us?" Bunny hopped up to me. "Well...when I was little, I would have these books of you guys and I've been believing ever since." I smiled. "How old are you?" Tooth asked. "I am 18," I told her.
I looked over at Sandy and asked, "Do you have a question Sandy?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Alright, alright, enough questions." Jack said. "I'm gonna give y/n a tour of North's place."

Your POV
"This place is huge!" I said excitedly said; seeing the yetis, "I thought elves make toys..."
"We only let them believe that." Jack responded.

When Jack finished the tour, he took me home~
"Thanks for taking me to The Pole, I had a lot of fun!" I said, giving Jack a hug.
"It's my pleasure, I'll stop by tomorrow morning, I need show you something." He said hugging me back, I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek,
"why did I do that?" I thought. Jack smiled and blushed a bit.
"Goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Jack." He flew off waving 'bye, see you tomorrow'

I walked to the bathroom and bathed in hot water, when I got out, I wore my blue Aztec designed onesie, and brushed my teeth.
Plopping myself on the bed I fell asleep right away.

*Jack, what are you doing? JACK! CAN YOU HEAR ME? Jack turned around and stared at me. What are you doing? Jack kept staring at me, until my parents suddenly showed up...what!? Mom? Dad? Jack suddenly stabbed both of them repeatedly... I screamed NOOOO!!! WHAT THE HELL JACK!? AHHHHHHHH a pitch screaming voice came out of me, I sobbed and bawled my eyes out, Jack ran towards me with the knife*

I woke up breathing rapidly, I realized I had a nightmare and cried into my hands. Tap tap tap, I looked over at the window to see Jack waiting for me to open the window. I looked at my alarm clock on my night stand, '4:02 am' I walked to the window cautiously and slid my window open.

"What's wrong!?" Jack asked panicking.

"I had a nightmare." Was all I said, Jack looked at me, wiped my tears, and pulled me into a hug. "You can tell me in the morning, let me sleep with you okay?" I nodded and went back to bed with Jack following me. I lied down next to Jack and cuddled in his chest.
"Cold" I thought. My eyes suddenly got heavy, and next thing I knew, I was asleep.

Jack POV
Y/n fell asleep quickly when she cuddled into my chest. "She's so beautiful" I finally admitted to myself, I love her, I wonder if she feels the same.

"Look at her Jack. She's sleeping so peacefully." ?¿?¿? said.

I know that voice anywhere, "Pitch" 
"You were the one who gave y/n the nightmare! You ruined Sandy's dream sands!"

"Yes, why else, Jack? I love it when people are scared, "fear." Pitch whispers.
I grabbed my staff and slowly got out of y/n's bed. "I thought we already trapped you in your hole with you fears." I smirked.

Pitch smirked back, "Fear can't stop me, nothing can. So you and your guardians can't stop me; the whole world will be in my hands again." He laughed disappearing in his black sand.

I sighed and walked back into y/n's bed putting my arms around her waist, "I will protect you forever." I whispered and quickly fell asleep.

In the morning

Your POV
Opening my eyes, and closing them quickly after seeing the bright sun; slowly opening my eyes again, I remember my nightmare and Jack sleeping with me; looking to my right, Jack is still sleeping with his arms around my waist. I turned red as a tomato. "What are you thinking y/n!? You have a boyfriend!" I thought.




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