Help, poisoned

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Coldness, was all I could feel. I tried to open my eyes, but all I could see was black. Pitch black. I let out a small scream, hoping I was in some kind of closet, but no, I'm in a cave, a tunnel. I must be dreaming...I cannot be in Pitch's lair again! I suddenly hear buzzing sounds, like bees, humming birds. I realize those were the fairies that remained at Tooth's, and they were panicking.

"Well, well, well, this proves that you're too weak to become a guardian. Or a dark guardian." A dark, eerie voice snickers.

Well now I know I'm in Pitch's lair for sure. I thought, What does Pitch mean by guardian? Am I gonna die?

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't feel the force that pulled me, it pulled me towards the bars of the cage I was in, sending electricity through my body, causing me to wince.

"You're such a pretty little girl." Pitch spits in my face, "I wish I could inject you now, but the poison needs time to settle." He whispers in my ear. "You're going to be my bride, "Pitchy."

I say nothing, glaring at his evil gold eyes that pierce through mine.

Am I really gonna die?

Jack's POV
"JACK JACK JACK." Some yelling and  banging on my bedroom door. A muffled voice rings in my ears. "The fairies, y/n! They're gone!" When I hear Y/n's name I jerk up and grab my staff, getting ready to fight whoever took y/n; Pitch.

The door swings open and all of the Guardians are in the sleigh waiting for me.

"Took you long enough mate, Tooth almost lost her voice screaming till ya wake up." Bunny muttered.

"Shut up, we need to find y/n before Pitch kills her."


Again, we reach Pitch's lair and I see her in the cage again, it looks like she's in pain...

I slowly freeze the cage she's in quietly, while the guardians sneaks in and distracts pitch. Suddenly I hear Sandy's sand hit Pitch, the fight has started. The cage breaks from the ice, and y/n escapes. I hold up my staff at Pitch.

Sandy makes a whip and latches it around Pitch's neck, sending him onto the ground, he winced quietly and suddenly laughs evilly.

"You can't hurt me, she's already turning." He sneered.

So, I dug my staff into his face, sending permafrost into his body.

"Why?" I hear a innocent voice behind me.

"Y/n? W-why? He's gonna kill you, you're gone be like him if he does." I said holding back tears.

"I'm happy with him. You hurt him." She said slowly walking towards us.

I looked in her eyes. Nothing. Nothing but pitch black. No more beautiful e/c eyes, but pitch black. And she threw a punch at me, making me fall to the ground. I lied there. Everything in my body had shut down. She's poisoned. She's the strongest dark nightmare that's ever gonna happen.

Run. I thought. But I couldn't move, I was too heartbroken and paralyzed to move. One punch could knock out a guardian, but she was sending me a paralysis. Y/n's still in there. We need to get her out of this place before she turns even faster. Sandy needs to pulse her. All I could do was think. The guardians stood there as y/n was kneeling beside Pitch, holding his hand against her cheek. A shot of jealousy went through my veins.

The guardians looked at me. Why are you guys looking at me!? I'm on the floor paralyzed and you're just standing there staring at me! Fine! If you want to get paralyzed. Oh wait...they can hear what I'm thinking.

"Guys, knock out y/n before she learns how to heal Pitch."

"Aye mate, we were waiting for you to talk."

"I don't care just knock her out.....LIGHTLY! We don't have control of our new powers yet, so do it lightly, if you kill her I'll kill you all."

Sandy steps forward and sprinkles some gold dust on y/n's head.

"Nice thinking Sandy." And he winks at me.

"North, carry y/n to the sleigh."

"Remember Jack, you're not leader." North says.

"Are you trying to get y/n poisoned faster!?"
North chuckles in his mind, and picks y/n up. Followed by Tooth and Bunny.

"You guys forgot about me!" Bunny comes back and hesitantly picks me up and carry me to the sleigh.








Short chapter! I'm sorry! I'm working on it.

Tell me about the mistakes that I have. Also what your power should be!! The most comments on a power will be chosen. And tell me what I should add, or shouldn't add. Thank you for reading! You guys are so amazing! You're so patient. I LOVE YOU. ❤️ ~Tori




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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