Caring, Comforting

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I woke up in my warm, cozy bed...I thought I cried myself to sleep at the park bench. I pushed the thought away and freshened (if that's a word lol) myself up. I ran downstairs, but stopped halfway.
"Did I just see jack sleeping on the couch in my room?"
Running back to my room, I saw a peaceful Jack sleeping on my couch. Smiling to myself "he's such a cutie."
Letting Jack sleep, I ran back downstairs and made breakfast for Jack and I.
I finished my breakfast and glanced at the clock 7:34. I realized that the snow has melted and school starts in about an hour. I left a note for Jack, and rushed to my room grabbing a random outfit for today. Racing to the bathroom, I changed into deep blue skinny jeans, and a red and white oversized baseball looking t-shirt, with black converse.

I grabbed my purple backpack, ran downstairs, and left for school.
Jack's POV
I woke up with no y/n in her bed.

I found her last night sleeping on a park bench in the chilly-ness, with tear stained cheeks. I carried her home and placed her in bed. I didn't see her backpack so I figured she went to school. Walking downstairs, I saw a note on the dining table with a plate of eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

Reading the note:
I'm off to school since all the snow has melted. I hope you enjoy your breakfast Jack, I'll be back before 5ish. And thank you so much for carrying me home. I'll explain everything when I get home and finish my homework. :) ~y/n

I put the note away and started to eat breakfast; it was so delicious. I put the plate in the sink and flew back to the North Pole.

"Jack where have you been these days?" A thick Russian voice asked.
"I was at y/n's, she's all alone, and I want to be with her."

"Well we got bad news, Pitch is back." North said, sternly.

"Yeah I know, he was in y/n's room giving her nightmares one night." I responded.

"Well, I hope you come more often, Pitch has learned something new." North said.

"Don't worry," I said, "We Guardians also learned some new things." I said in confidence.
Your POV
School is over, but I have a load of homework, yay! I thought, while I was walking home.
Half way on the block, something caught my eye; a kid laying in the middle of the street. I quickly ran to the wounded kid, seeing him unconscious.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked panicking.

"I-I was riding my bike, a-and this pitch black person shoved me into that mail box. Y-you probably don't b-believe in S-Santa or the Sandman, but that guy is Pitch."

"Okay, what I need you to do is stay awake you hear me? Awake. You might have a concussion." I said while I took out my iPhone to call 911 and, checked the kid's eye with the flashlight.
I also checked other parts of his head, and saw blood. To keep the kid awake, I asked him questions.

"Alright kid, I need to know more, so show me where your house is." I asked, in fact, I kinda regretted that question, I sounded like a stalker, but the kid pointed to a house about 3 houses down from a random drive way we were at.

"Okay, what's your name kid?"

"Jamie." He answered.

"Okay Jamie, the ambulance is coming in about 5 minutes, so I need you to hang tight and stay awake."


"How old are you?"

"I-I'm 10 today."

"How could you be out when you're supposed to be home celebrating your birthday?"

"I-I'm supposed to be seeing someone today, but Pitch came and attacked me."

After Jamie finished his sentence, the ambulance came and carried him on the stretcher; lifting him onto the ambulance, and it sped away.
I quickly ran to his house and told his mom he got hurt and he's on his way to the hospital. Next thing I new she was on her way to the hospital with Jamie's sister.
Sighing in relief, I quickly walked home thinking about Jamie and what he said.

"I-I'm supposed to be seeing someone today, but Pitch came and attacked me." flashback
Who's Pitch?
Is that someone Jack Frost?
Because he said he believes in Santa and the Sandman... I'll ask Jack later. I thought, while I walked home.

When I arrived to my house, I checked my mailbox and made my way inside.

"Hey, y/n it's 5:36 now, where have you been?" A worried Jack asked.

"That's what I need to tell you about...lets go into my room and talk about it. I suggested.

"So the kid told me that she got slammed into a mailbox, by a person named Pitch..." I said continuing my story, and Jack immediately stood up and almost flew out of my window, until I grabbed his hoodie.

"I'm not done. The kid's name is Jamie, he said someone was supposed to meet him somewhere for his birthday, he believes in the guardians." I said quickly.

"We need to go to North now." Jack said, taking my hand and jumping out my window, letting the wind take us to North.
"We're in danger," said a thick Russian voice, "Guardians, Pitch is back, guaranteed."

"Well what are we gonna do mate?" An Australian accent questioned.

"We have to get rid of him again!" Jack yelled, making the Guardians' stare at him.

"Who's Pitch?" I butted in.

"Pitch is bad news mate, he gives nightmares to all of the kids who believe in us, making every child-and teen, fear of him." Bunny answered.

"In the dark ages, the world was in fear, because of Pitch. Until, The Man in the Moon chose us as guardians, Tooth explained.

"So that's how I got my nightmare." I thought, zoning out on the Guardians.
Jack flew me home, while I zoned out and fell asleep, I woke up when he put me in my bed.

"Thank you Jack, for carrying me home."

"It's not a problem, but tell me what happened yesterday. Why were you on a park bench crying? I thought you had a date with your boyfriend." Jack said concerned.

When Jack asked that question, tears started to form in my eyes.

"H-he set the whole 'date' up. He
ch-cheated on me Jack," I said crying into my hands, while Jack sits with me, holding me, "H-he was with another girl, and they were making out right in front of me, so I ran out and cried myself to sleep on that park bench."

"Why the hell would he do that? You are a strong, beautiful, and smart girl, who manages to keep fighting, even through tough times." Jack truthfully says.

I looked up at Jack and gave him a hug, while I wiped my tears away.

Jack pulled back looking at me, and we both started to lean in.

Next thing I knew, his soft, cold lips were gently pressed against mine.

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