Awkwardness Fun

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We pulled back and Jack looked hot, not hot like smokin, but 100°F hot.
He wiped away my tears, but his palm was also hot. What's wrong with Jack?

"Uh, Jack?" I questioned.

"S-Sorry, I d-didn't mean t-to start-le you.."

"No it was great, but you're hot."
Jack smirked at me, and my cheeks heated up and I turned red as a tomato.

"N-n-no not like that, b-but yes like that, I-I mean....y-you're like 100° hot. I stuttered, and felt Jack's forehead.

Then Jack felt his forehead, looking puzzled.

"I'm gonna go get a cold towel," he said while standing up from my bed.

I followed Jack, but when he reached downstairs, he fainted.

"Oh my gosh! Jack! What the hell!?" I panicked; I carried-no, dragged Jack onto my couch, and put a cold towel on his head, and kissed his cheek.

Jack's POV

I woke up on the couch with y/n sitting on the floor, with her head on the couch sleeping. I felt my head again, and it was going back to my normal temperature. I stood up and carried
y/n bridal style to her room, gently put her on her bed, and I got into her covers sleeping with her.

Your POV
Today, Jack decided to make it snow, so in the middle of the night, Jack snuck out, and made it snow and ice, while people were sleeping.
I'm still awkward and nervous, since that kiss. I mean, I just got through a huge breakup. I'm not ready to start another relationship...if there is going to be one.

"Hellooo..y/n!" Jack yelled.


"You zoned out on me again!"

"Oh sorry...I was thinking about....the break up and other stuff...."

"It's okay, I understand, you're still going through a breakup and you're not ready to start another relationship..."

"You just read my mind," I chuckled.

"So are you ready to go to the North Pole?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty bundled up."

And so Jack took my hand, and we traveled on the wind.

"It's so hot in here! How come I never noticed that?" I complained, as I walked into the globe room.

North chuckled and said, "I do it for the elves...and yetis."
"And Jack may I speak to you for a moment?"

Jack's POV
"Whatever Pitch did this time, I'm ready."

"He didn't do anything...suspiciously...I needed to tell you that Manny has chosen a new guardian.

"What? Who is it?" I asked.

"Don't panic, but it's y/n.."

"Is she gonna die? Or is she gonna randomly turn into a Guardian that never died?"

"We don't know yet, Jack, we'll just wait and see."

"I also need to tell you something." I said, continuing the conversation.

"What do you need to tell me?" North asked.

"Y/n and I kissed..."

"That's great! I hope you two love birds get married and have happy children, I'll put them on my naughty list it I have to!" North partly joked.

"That's not it, after we kissed, y/n said that I was hot, burning hot, and I fainted when I tried to get a cold towel." I explained.

North looked puzzled. "Well, we're gonna have to figure out why that happens, we need to figure out what Pitch is planning first, and how y/n is gonna turn into a Guardian."

Your POV
I was helping the yetis paint robots for children around the world. I heard a door close and looked up. I smiled seeing Jack and North coming out of the room where they had their conversation.

"Hey, y/n, it's time to go."

"Yeah, it's getting pretty late. Bye North, Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny!" See you guys later.
They all said bye, and Jack took me home.

"Thank you Jack, for taking me home again." I smiled.

"It's no problem," he said climbing into my room window.

I scratched my neck, because it felt itchy, so I had the urge to, but I didn't feel the cold tear drop necklace Jack gave to me....

"Jack!" I yelled, and Jack looked up startled.

"What? You didn't have to yell," he chuckled, "I'm right here."

"No! No! No! I lost the necklace you gave to me!"

Jack looked at my neck and looked back at me.

"Did you ever take it off?"

"No!" I said panicking. "It must've fallen somewhere!"

"It's okay."

"No it's not Jack! It's a gift you worked so hard on, just for me!"

"I can always make you another one."

"No, it's the first gift you made for me. I can't lose a first gift that had so much effort put into it."

Jack stared at me.

"Okay, we'll find it tomorrow. It's late and dark, we won't be able to find it now." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I said, sadly.

We climbed into my bed cuddling, and fell asleep instantly.

~~ okay, that wasn't as awkward...continuing the story

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!" Jack yelled.

"Hmm? Let me sleep!" I said as I went under the covers.

Jack laughed and carried me out of bed, bridal style. I wiped my eyes to see clearer, making eye contact with Jack. I felt my heart beat fast, trying to escape my body. My face started to heat up and turn bright red.

Smiling, "Nervous?" Jack asked.

I didn't answer him.

He kept staring into my eyes, and I realized, our lips had touched. We pulled apart and stared at each other; turning pink.

"J-Jack, you're hot again."

"I'll just lay down, it's probably that best option." He said as rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll get you a cold towel and a bucket of snow."

I ran downstairs, opened the front door and scooped up some soft, white snow into a bucket. Going back inside, I opened a cabinet grabbing a towel, soaking it in icy water. I turned around meeting yellow, evil eyes.

"Lost something?"






You guys are so amazing! One-hundred and freakin forty reads! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though there wasn't as much of awkwardness, or fun between you and Jack.

Notice~ not edited yet

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