Chapter 25 The Past Is Horrible

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Asuna's P.O.V

"You're having less nightmares?" Rika asked me with a surprised face.

 I wouldn't blame her, I have always had nightmares since that day. It's a shock that it wasn't that bad last night.

"Ya...maybe I'm finally getting over it." I took a sip of my milk and glanced away.

"That's good! I'm happy you can almost sleep perfectly." 

She cleaned up her plate and looked at mine.

"You don't need to do dishes, it's my house." I told her.

"I'm being a nice friend." She shrugged and took the plates to the sink.

"Stubborn." I sighed and continued to drink the milk.

She always takes care of the little things in my house for some reason. It doesn't make me mad, but I wish she wouldn't do it. Other than that, what am I suppose to say to Kazuto? I don't want to think about anything bad if he has that sort of past. 

I snapped out of it when there was two knocks on the door; He is here. "I'll get it." I said and jumped up from the stool and went to the door. I opened it to the boy I love, but don't know much about him as I thought. I smiled at him and gave him a hug, and he returned it.

"How was work?" He asked as I let him in, closing the door after.

"It was alright; nothing special." I shrugged.

"Hey lover boy!" Rika called from the kitchen.

Kazuto awkwardly laughed with a slight blush on his cheeks. He is so adorable... "Hey..."

"So I got the dishes done, and I still have to go see what my mom wants. I'll come over later ok?" Rika said as she walked towards us and gave me a hug. "Don't forget." She whispered into my ear and waved her goodbye to Kazuto and headed out.

I sighed as the door closed.

"What's wrong?" Kazuto asked.

"Nothing important really..." 

I looked at him. "How come you never brought up your past like I did?" I asked him worriedly.

I seriously didn't want to ask him this, it's to personal... Why am I listening to Rika?


He glanced away and walked towards the couch, and I followed behind. "My life isn't special...So I didn't say anything about it."

We both sat down.

"You know, I didn't want to ask anyways. You don't have to tell me." I tried pushing it away.

"No, I think you should know, you are my girlfriend after all."

When he said girlfriend I felt myself blush. I guess I'm not used to the word yet. 

I giggled at the thought and Kazuto looked at me funny. "Oh I'm sorry... I was thinking of something funny, even if it's not suitable for right now." I quickly said and sighed.

"So I guess I will start with my parents... Something bad happened to them and now I live with my aunt and cousin. I wish I knew what happened but they never told me, and I've been looking it up for years. There was some things I found out though, and it's that some of my parent's siblings were criminals and went to jail, while others didn't." He sighed. "They did really bad things, like really really bad things. I don't understand why, and what for. I never got enough info about it. It just puzzles me why my family is like this... So ya, your the first person to know. If I were to tell others, they would take me away from my aunt and foster me off. My aunt is seriously the only good one in the family."

I leaned back on the couch and took a deep breath. He has it rough as well; I'm surprised he even told me about it. I can't believe someone like him has a horrible life. Who knew he had most of his family criminals? It hurts my head thinking about it... Why is life cruel to kind people?

"Wow...I'm sorry you have to live with that."

I turned to him with a cloudy vision. "I wish you didn't have to live this way."

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve as I kept imagining him seeing these things on the internet and the news, and the shock on his face. Probably hurt that he can't do anything to prevent it...Just like me. He was never close to anyone.

"Hey don't cry, there's no need to. I should be the one crying silly." He grabbed me into a hug and stroked my hair. "Even with stuff going on with my family, I'm fine. I mean I have you and a few friends, but's that all I need. You make my life better, and I'm so glad I get to see you every chance I get. You make my life worth living, even though that's probably the cheesiest line you heard of." 

I slightly laughed and buried my face in his chest. "Same here...Kazuto. I have something to tell you too; I told you that I'm an orphan, but I never told you how."

I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to cry again. "My parents...were murdered. In this house. In front of me." I cried and hugged him tighter.

There was a pain in my chest from saying it. People say when you reveal a secret it feels nice, but it hurts. The memories hurt and will continue forevermore. 

I felt him continue to stroke my hair calmly, and I started to calm down once I focused on his touch. He didn't speak or move. I sniffled and held onto him, calming down slowly.

"My aunt used to do this when I was upset about something. I found it soothing and relaxing. Also to sleep as well." 

He stopped talking for a moment and lifted my chin up. He smiled at me, still calm. How...How does he stay this way? I don't understand.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. It must have been horrible, for such a young girl. I can't imagine  how it was. I'm sorry I can't feel your pain. I wish I could though, so you can be happy. I can't stand seeing you this way, it breaks me inside. Mostly because I can't do anything to help you." 

He wiped my cheeks that were wet and kissed my forehead.

"I-I... I don't want you hurt either." I started to feel tears again.

"Shh." He caressed my cheek softly.

"Those people...are after me."

"Who?" He asked confused.

"The ones that killed my parents..."

"How do you know that?"

I buried my face into his chest and took a breath. " When I was walking home from work... I saw them and they recognized me and chased me. That's why I stayed at Rika's."

"Now that I'm thinking about it, your situation sounds familiar...the murder of two adults. One male and female. The daughter witnessed it and went into foster care because all of her family were far away and had no contact of them."

I perked my head up to look at him. "How does it sound familiar? They didn't put it on the news or anything. The people told me so."

"Of course they did, they want views. They actually caught one guy, and the guy was one of my uncles..."


Listening To:

Sword Art Online 2 ED - Shirushi (Extended Version)


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