Chapter 10 After School With Rika

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        "So what store should we go in first?" Rika asked while she twirled around.

"We don't have to buy anything Rika, we could just sit and talk." I said.

"That's boring, and plus how long has it been since you went anywhere fun?"

"I don't count shopping as being fun..."

"Just answer the damn question Chica." Rika rolled her eyes.

"I can't remember..." I whispered.

"Exactly, now lets go." She grabbed my hand and pulled me in one of the stores.

"Why in this one?" I sulked inside of Forever 21. It was not on my top favorites, but it was sure Rika's.

"Because, it's a clothing store." She shrugged.

"You know this isn't my cup of tea..." I mumbled as we started to walk around.


"Nothing..." I continued to sulk. I didn't know why I hated this store so much. Its just like all the other stores kind of. "Is there any other stores we can go inside of?"

"Kohls? Jcpenny?"

"What about Tilly's or something?" I asked.

"The skater place? Why? You no skater. They have cross shirts and things here, since your a cross fanatic."

"I like Tilly's though....they have better clothes." I whispered. 

"Your stubborn." Rika told me and looked through some clothes. "Oh lookie here." She held out a crock top with crosses on them. It was actually pretty cool.

"I guess it's cool..." I tried acting like I didn't care, but she smiled  and knew better. "Fine." I grabbed the shirt. "I will get it. It's going to be my only thing I get here though." I crossed my arms.

        "I thought you didn't like the store." Rika reminded me while I carried 2 bags of clothes.

"Ugh, whatever  I still don't." I sighed.

"Want some food?" Rika asked me when we got close to the food court.

"Sure, I guess ice cream." 

"OK. I'm guessing cotton candy for you?"

"Yup, gotta love the cotton candy." I smiled.

"Um, can we get a birthday cake ice cream cone and a cotton candy one too." Rika asked the person.

"Is there anything else you want?" The person asked.


"OK that will be $5." Rika paid and we sat down to wait.

"So... what should we do afterwards?" I asked.

"We could go home, I know this must be boring. I can drop you off and you can go hang with dream boy." She looked away.

"Rika, It's not boring. It's just I'm not used to go out that much. I'm sorry..." She was silent until the guy came with our ice cream.

"Thanks..." She quietly said and took hers and I took mine. "It's fine Asuna. I should know better...." 

"I was serious though. We don't need to spend money to have fun. We can always just hang place." I took a bite of my ice cream.

"You don't like people coming over though!"

"That was before Kazuto kept coming over and hanging around." I looked up at her and she had a Cheshire smile across her face.

"Oh, so that's how it is. I never knew you were that type of person Asuna. Naughty girl." 

"It's not like that!" I flushed. "It's nothing like that!"


"It's true Rika! I would never do that!" I flushed more thinking about it.

"Whatever." She shrugged.  She wasn't going to stop was she? "Anyways let's go. I know we didn't stay long but it's getting late." She stood up and threw away her wrappers and I followed.

"Ok, thanks for today." I said.

"No problem."


T^T Bad chapter sorry


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Listening To: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun ~ The Maine (Punk Goes Pop Cover)

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