a d o r a

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t w e n t y - n i n e

i sat in shock as i stared at the front door luke had just previously stormed out of. michael gently pulled away from me and stood up.

"do you want me to stay or..." he awkwardly trailed off.

"no," i shook my head, "please leave."

"i-i didn't know that he didn't know. i'm really sorry, i shouldn't have said anything," he sighed.

"no, no it's fine. i just want to be alone right now."

"okay," he breathed, "i'll see you tomorrow, i guess."

i nodded absentmindedly and stared off into space as michael shuffled out.


i couldn't decide whether to go to the park or not. it was one-twenty and i was just standing on my balcony staring down at the ladder. i knew luke and i needed to fix everything but i also knew luke liked to have his space. i finally grew a pair and decided to climb down to the ladder and head down to the park.

the walk there was full of me trying to figure out what i wanted to say to him and how i was going to do it. of course i still didn't have a plan devised so i had to wing it.

i went to the bench but he wasn't there. at first i stood there with confusion on my face until i remembered the park. i slowly walked through the tangles of trees and bushes until i reached the opening that held the pond. i saw someone standing at the age and throwing rocks into the water so i carefully walked over to them.

"adora?" the figure called as i stepped on a twig, making it snap.

"yeah, it's me," i looked down at my feet to ensure my brown orbs didn't meet his ocean-blue ones.

he remained quiet and continued to throw rocks into the water. i stood next to him silently and kicked at the mud i was standing on.

"do you need something?" he finally asked. his voice was softer and he didn't sound that mad anymore.

"i wanted to apologize for everything i said and for everything i didn't say," i mumbled just loud enough for him to hear my sincere apology.

he nodded solemnly, taking in my words, "i overreacted, i'm sorry. i do that a lot. you were right, you don't have to tell me everything."

"why did you get so upset when i said i didn't like you in that way? i still like you but as a friend because that's all we are underneath the sex."

"um, i-i dunno. i'm just weird about feelings, i don't know. just forget it ever happened," he shook his head quickly and threw more rocks into then pond.

i pursed my lips together and carefully looked him over. he was just in sweatpants and a black muscle singlet. his hair was disheveled and there was a crease in between his brows that indicated they had been furrowed together multiple times tonight. i stood next to him as i slipped my feet out of my flip flops and pressed my bare toes into the cold mud. i wiggled them as i giggled at the weird feeling.

"what are you doing?" he asked, cracking a small smile.

i shrugged and continued to move my toes around. soon my feet were covered with mud so i stepped into the cool water to wash them off. luke sat on a rock near the water so he could watch me move around in the water. as i was about to get out something touched my foot so i screamed, jumped out of the pond, and tripped. i fell on top of luke, causing both of us to topple back and land on the hard ground. we both ended up laughing so hard we couldn't breathe and tears peaked at the corners of our shut eyes.

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