Married to the prince of darkness

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It was funny how it all change.

It was just my brother , my mother and I. We did everything then it all went down the drain when she passed away. Leaving the light of our smiles and the love in our hearts to go out into a dim.

I was only 16 when my mother died not knowingly understanding the concept of how she died. Now at the age of 21 ( well almost in 1 month) and my brother Allen who is now 13. We have moved on quiet well for ourselves until he came along.... Devon Carson, our father . He came to take to purpose and offer that I can refuse....

"Hello my dear," said my father standing at the doorway. All sharp and cunning writing all over him. sometimes I wonder what my mother saw in him to have not one but two children with him. I also wonder why he was here this has to be the third time this week he came to my mothers home.

" Hello Devon, what bring to my mother home again?" I gave him a stare.

" Well I know we have not gotten of on the right foot-" I didn't even give him a chance before I said this to him.

"Look there is nothing you can say or do that can change my mind" I walked up closed to him so he can see how serious I am. " I will not sign over my brother to you, I will find a way to get by. If my mother can do so will I!" I was close enough that he can see the tension between us.

" Anna look you can barely take care of yourself much less and 13 yr. old boy. What happens when he gets out of hand?" He sits down and crossed his legs and slowly rested his arms in the chair. (God I hate this man! I mean he is my father but the nerve of him coming here and trying to take my one reason to live is fucking rude of him.

" I can Handel it" even though I don't doubt myself but I had some fear that I would need some help when the time comes.

{I remember how my mother would come home and we would all have diner and wash up, ready for bed. How she would come in and read to Allen a bed time story,turn out his lights he would be sound asleep.} Snapping back out of my memory I see the man that said he has nothing to do with it but deep on my gut I know he is lying!

"Like I said I can Handel it Devon, is there anything else you may need you I will ask to leave." Boy I hated this man.

" fine my darling, but you need to know that if you don't find ways for ends to meet than I will have no other choice then to take my son!" He smiles at me knowing that I will never stop fighting until and he love that.

" listen to me DAD!" I say with all intention of showing no fear " your no father to Allen ok, where was you when he was sick or playing his soccer games, or to take the monsters out from under the bed for him, NO WHERE OK! So listen well because I'm only gonna say this once, you will not have Allen if it the last thing I do!"

He looks at me with fear in his eyes

"Fine but you will see, you will need me. And when you do I will be there to say I told you so" he starts to walk away. Then he stop and turn his head to look at me one last time " you remind me of her you know that right, but you are not her Anna. Will never be her! Remember that!"

" Get the hell out of my house" I scream at the top of my lungs it sounded more like a bark. He looks really scared now. He leaves with our saying another word.

"What am I suppose to do now!" I say falling to the ground crying.

Married to the Prince of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now