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Anna Pov

It's been a few weeks and the job is great. My hours evolved around Allen and Mr. Diwali. Then in just a few weeks it was going to be my 18 birthday!!! And I had it all planned but work got in the way. Mr. Diwali, had plans for that day.

"Damn it, Lindsey is there any way I can get that day off please." I'm on the phone pleading.

" I'm sorry Anna, but there is nothing I can do!" Then the phone line disconnected.

Devon Pov

Her birthday is rapidly closing in and I was only a few days of making sure she doesn't turn eighteen. I made arrangements for her to be taken some time close to that time. When she is finally out of the picture I will have my son and when he turns eighteen it will be him, heir to the thrown. The. After a few years of him ruling I will kill my son, an rule the nation. The plan was going so well. But only if she would let go of the boy. He is always around her and that's fucking up my plan. Kristoff better know what he is doing! We are running out of time.

Kristoff Pov

Closer her birthday come the more her scent grows stronger. Sometimes I just sit in the car for a few extra minutes to inhale the smell. She smell innocent.

" yes our mate does" my vampire said

"How can you not want her, she is beautiful in every way. From the day we laid eyes on her, you knew you lovers her just as much as she will love us." He said with confidence in his tone.

Her marvelous smile, her beautiful hazel brown eyes, that shy dimple of her made me want to be around her even more.

" like I said beautiful" he smiled

"Shut up!" I said back to him all he did was laugh.

I was laying in bed staring at her image in my mind. She was 5'6 Carmel complexion with small waist and the arch in her back made my lips wet. The thickness in her thighs and the fullness of her breasts makes my head go out of control.

But I had to stop thinking like this she was a job that I had to be done.

I receive a text from Devon .

"Today is the day"

And I knew what had to be done.

I picked up the phone and called Lindsey!

"It's time?" She said

"Its time, She will have to accompany me in the trip leave the boy with you and them I will take her." I said to her.

" I will set forth the plan, oh and Kristoff my payment. When will I receive it?"she said eagerly.

"As soon as she is dead!" The line went disconnected.

Anna Pov

I went to work today, hoping that Mr. Diwali would change his mind. But instead it was nothing like that.

"Anna I'm so sorry but Mr. Diwali need you to attend to a trip. And be his personal driver there. You will be paid three times the amount of you regular pay rate." Lindsey says.

"Three times? I can be good for a half of yeah of rent!" I said "How long will I need to be gone?"

"For about a week" she said

"One whole week, I can't go! I have no one to watch Allen and he needs me!" I said sulking in the chair.

"We'll I will watch Allen" she said.

"I couldn't ask you to do that" I said shaking my head

"It's my pleasure and I know how hard it has been so I don't mind. And plus it would be fun. What do you say?" She said

"Let me think about it!" I walk away

Allen Pov

Sis doesn't know I have a friend who knows mommy if she knew she would want to see them but the problem is she can't see them. Only I can.

We sit in my room and play with my Xbox.

Because I have been hanging with sis I can't get to play with my friend.

"Sis has been busy for a while now And riding with her in the limo is really cool" I said.

My friends nods

" she is doing the best she can is there any way you can tell my mom to come back"

My friend nods

" you sure ?"

My friend nods and points at me.

"What can I do?" I said

My friends stretches a hand telling me to come along. We go outside to the backyard in the woods. I paused "my mom said I should never go in there!"

My friend hugged me and I knew what that meant that it was ok.

"You sure?"

My friends nods

We walk for about 30 mins and I was getting tired " how far?" I Asked

My friend points to a whole in a rock or what it looks like a cave.

I walk up to it and look to my friend yelling me to go.

"You sure"

My friend nods.

I walk through the cave to a door. I was old and dusty and full of moss. I push the door to see there was an elevator. I look to my friend and he showed me to push the button. I walked in and I only had one floor. So I pushed that. The elevator move downward and the stop and open. And I see what I couldn't believe in my thirteen years of life.


A woman was in a frozen tube.

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