Chapter thirty-three: GG? (Ending)

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Mitch's pov
It has been about three days and we have killed about eight people. We needed to kill two more people to go to the death match. "Hey biggums?" Jerome asked while waving his hand in front of my face. "Hmm? Oh sorry, I must've zoned out. What did you say?" I asked. "I said, we should split up so we can look for people to kill to go to the D-match." He said in s serious tone. I was anxious about his idea but eventually agreed. He pulled me in and gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking off in the other direction. I started walking the opposite direction, looking for my next victim.

??? pov (Short and some strong language)
They have no idea what misery will come to them. My plan will work even better now that the little bitch has separated from that stupid animal he loves so dearly. (Insert evil laugh) The real question is... Who shall I kill first? Oh! Looks like i've found my first target!

Jerome's pov (finally!!!)
As I was walking, I kept hearing twigs snapping behind me, but every time I turn around to look who it was, no one was there. I swear to Notch it's driving me insane. I heard light footsteps to the right of me and quickly climbed the closest tree. I was perched on a tree branch that the person wouldn't be able to see me, but I could see him/her. When the person passed, I jumped on him with Betty tight in my grasp. He looked scared as I raised Betty high in the air, ready to strike. Good. I brought my beautiful diamond axe down into the guys chest and watched his body decompose into small particles floating through the air. I took the loot I needed and ran off. One down, one to go...

Mitch's pov
I had just run out of sprint and I had no food. Great! Note my sarcasm. I found a chest that had an apple and dats it. That wont even get my sprint back!! Whatever. When I closed the chest I felt someone tap my shoulder. My eyes widened when I turned around. Before I could react, he swung a diamond sword at my stomach and made a giant slice, blood pouring out. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. "Why hello Mitchel! Did you miss your little brother?! You know! The ones whose life you ruined!!" Connor screamed. ( Connor is like 17 in this) I looked at him in disbelief and confusion. "W-what did I ever do to y-you C-connor?" I asked in a barley audible tone. "My god your even stupider than I thought! Don't you remember!" He said in an angered tone. "R-remember w-what?" I asked. He kicked me in the chest and yelled "YOU KILLED MOM!!! DONT YOU REMEMBER THAT!!!" He said. My eyes widened. Does he really blame me for that?! I was the one taking care of her! "I didn't kill her Connor. She died on her own and you know that. She was sick..." I said on the verge of tears. My vision started fading slowly and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Connor just laughed maniacally while making a slash across my face and walking away. My vision was fading away quickly, but before it went black, I saw Jerome leaning over me with tears streaming down his cheeks. I saw him trying to speak, but I couldn't hear a word that he was saying. I reached my hand up slowly and cupped his cheek lightly. " I l-love you J-jerome... Always remember that..." I said in a quite tone. I leaned up and kissed his soft lips lightly.then, total darkness.

Jerome's pov (when Mitch screamed)
I heard a loud scream in the distance,but not just any scream, Mitch's scream. I started running in the direction I heard it come from as fast as i could. Tears were streaming down my face as I got closer and closer to my destination. I heard laughing and steps walking away. What I saw, killed me inside. Mitch was on the ground, blood pouring out of his stomach, and a large slash across his face. I leaned over him, eyes wide with tears pouring out of my eyes. Mitch reached his hand up slowly and held my cheek " I l-love you J-jerome... Always remember that..." He said in the quietest voice I have ever heard. He leaned up and kissed me ever so lightly and I immediately kissed back, melting into the kiss, just like the first time we ever kissed. His head slowly lowered and so did his hand. I looked at him. His eyes were closed, face bloody, and he was whiter than a ghost (really pale). I heard laughing from behind me and immediately stood up, taking Betty from her sheath. I turned around to see Mitch's little brother Connor. But something was off about him. I looked into his eyes and saw that they weren't their regular hazel color. they were blood red. "Why hello Jerome, are you here to mourn over the death of your little boyfriend?" He asked, sounding like he had gone insane. I didn't respond to what he asked me, just kept looking into his dead eyes, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He ran at me with his diamond sword drawn. Our weapons clashed together and he looked at me surprised. His look quickly turned into a wicked smile as he turned his sword and twisted his body which made me fall to the ground. I hit the ground with a loud 'thud' and immediately felt the pain in my back. Connor sat on me so I couldn't stand up to keep fighting. He held his sword at my throat while saying "Any last words you stupid animal?!" In an insane tone. I tried reaching for Betty but Connor kicked her away. I looked into his eyes with fear. I closed my eyes and got ready for the pain to come. I felt the cold blade slide across my neck, creating a long slash. Connor watched me struggle to breath and laughed. "I mine as well end this quickly... We wouldn't want anyone to try and keep you alive, now would we?!" He said. I watched him take out a small black blade and immediately knew what it was. It was a wither blade. It kills you in a matter of seconds. He walked over to me slowly and leaned down next to me. "Goodbye Jerome... You wont be missed." he said with venom in his voice. He plunged the blade into my chest and left it there. the poison was affecting me and I could feel my life force draining out of me. My vision was fading quickly bit before it went away completely, I saw a blurry person floating over me. As they came closer I noticed that it wasn't a person, but a ghost. But that ghost was someone who I knew dearly to my heart. It was Mitch. I sat up and hugged Mitch and he hugged back. I looked down at the ground and saw both our bodies next to each other. I smiled at Mitch and kissed him. He melted into the kiss and eventually pulled apart. Mitch looked at me, tears still in his eyes. "Don't cry Mitch. I'm right here, and I'll never leave you." I said in a soothing voice. He smiled and nodded. Eventually we flew off into the clouds, never wanting to be apart from each other.

Thanks for reading guys!! Hope you enjoyed and tell me what ship you want my next story to be!! Until then I am going to have a one shot book going! So comment which ship you want!!






Or skyenja! Or you can pick one of your choice! I just listed a few I knew off of the top of my head. So make sure to comment! Until then see you later guys ~Teamcrafter0900 <3

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