Found another Monstercat fan in real life today!

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     Yay! That is a total of three existing fans I've found in real life (not including my friends who I have converted...most of them on accident). The first two I found a couple months ago and I actually don't know if I'll ever see them again because they've stopped coming to youth for some reason. What happened was that one of them (actually knew him for a couple years) started to play the very beginning of Self Destruct on the piano and I recognized it instantly, but I'm thinking, There's no way. I kinda casually ventured over as he started playing Razor Sharp, and I'm like, Okay, this guy's a Monstercat fan. I said, "Do I know that song?" And he's like "nah"...probably the same reaction I'd have, because nobody knows about Monstercat, right? Well, he skipped to the buildup and played up through the drop, then I was SURE. So I said something along the lines of "no, I do know it". He said "Pegboard Nerds?" And I'm like "YES!!" I started freaking out, and it was when I mentioned Monstercat that he kinda seemed to realize why I was so excited. He went on to play Flight and Truth (he basically played my top three favorite artists, no more and no less) and I really enjoyed it. At the same time I wanted him to teach me how to play those songs. One of his friends was standing behind him watching him play, and he perked up at the name Monstercat as well, saying he was a fan a couple years ago. The third one, the one I found today, has been coming to youth for a few months now, and I think he's 13. He's a nice guy and I've been getting to know him better in the past couple weeks. Tonight we played pool, and he kept singing stuff, so I figured I'd take a stab at it and ask him what kind of music he listened to. He said "dubstep". I bet you can imagine what my reaction was. So he reached across the pool table and gave me a high-five. He asked if I'd heard of LMFG and I said no, and then he asked if I'd heard of Skrillex. I'm thinking...duh...what dubstep fan has not heard of Skrillex...but then I asked him if he likes Monstercat and he perked up at that, saying he does and that he likes Flight (stereotypical answer, but it works for me). He also told me he likes nightcore. I asked if he listens to other EDM or just dubstep, and he said just dubstep (fun fact: Flight was originally intended to be dubstep). I was about to show him Snowblind but then he had to leave. But I'll be seeing him twice a week since he's in my youth group!
How many Monstercat fans have you guys found in real life?! I'd love to hear about it! Feel free to comment!!! Thanks guys! Love you all <3

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