Elizabeth Mitchell - What Goes On (cover of Velvet Underground)

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Holy cow. :) I've known this song since I was, like, five years old. I used to hate it. I remember playing the CD (cover in the video) through our car when we drove around and playing it through our sound system when I was around eight. We played it so many times, so much that I even got a lot of the effects memorized. Then, for some reason, this song became my favorite one on the CD sometime after we moved to the house I live in now. I just loved the sound. Recently, it crossed my mind and stuck out to me. I just listened to it again for the first time in forever. And I know what it means now. Sometimes it can take years and years, almost a decade, even, to figure out what the lyrics of a song mean. But once you do, there's nothing like it in the world. Looking back over the years, thinking that so much would change and this song would come out to mean so much to me in this very moment, is incredible. Especially looking back to my carefree childhood and thinking I had no idea all this crazy stuff would happen. Having a song that has crossed over all those years of changes, of happiness and light turning to deepness and beauty, and finally coming to recognize the true beauty in the lyrics I've heard dozens of times, is a very, very amazing thing. It makes me think that maybe these songs were meant for this purpose. You listen to them when you're young. You don't understand them completely because you're not mature enough yet. But then, something happens to make you understand them. And then you come back.

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