What's Going On (that was not a Droptek reference) In My Life Right Now

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for your support!! I've been here for almost a month and I love it. I've already made some friends that I'm so grateful to have. I'm excited to release the next chapter (009) of MCU because it's where everything starts to get crazy, at least the way I think of it. Right now I'm working on some stuff for Book 4 (I think) that probably won't get released until next spring or summer. I've had a lot of new ideas for it lately, and even though I need to get to work on the 2nd book, I'm doing the 4th because right now I'm getting the most inspiration for it, and I've learned it's best to work on what I have an inspiration for at the very moment. I'm not starting school until September because I'm homeschooled, so I have way too much time on my hands, and sometimes that can get very stressful. Especially because I feel like there are things I've been putting off for a year or more that I should be doing now. Like learning how to DJ and make EDM. It's something I really want to do and I know I have to start at some point. I keep asking myself, "How about now?" but it feels like there's a wall separating me from starting, and I don't know how to get past it. I'm going through levels of stress I've never gone through. I know it's probably just a stage of growing up and I'll get past it, but ever since I had an anxiety attack a couple months ago, I feel like I've never been the same, and that really scares me. I'm trying to trust in God but it's hard sometimes. I can find comfort in a quote of mine that I wrote a while ago: "Never doubt a passion that is so much bigger than you". This is off-topic, but I have a big poster on which I'm eventually going to write the title of every song I love, and I'm going to write that quote at the top/bottom of it.
     Yesterday I came up with an idea for a really awesome mashup: One Minute Flight - Krewella x DotEXE vs. Tristam & Braken. The more I think about it, the more it needs to happen. I've got to do it someday. I tested it out live on YouTube on the computer and it totally worked. The buildups have the exact same level of suspense, and the songs are both high-energy and heavy...and of course they're both drumstep. They're perfect together!! (Please be nice and don't steal the idea from me...unless you want to contact me and volunteer to make it, that would be great <3)
     Last night, I went to a party at someone's house, and they had two cats. I was sitting with my friend and we were talking about how to pronounce 'kitten' when I said something about how to pronounce 'Martin'. And then my friend said that both of the cats there were named Martin. I was like, woah, what a coincidence. I told her about my recent obsession with Martin Garrix, and then she had the idea to call one of the cats Martin and the other Garrix. So we started doing that. It was fun. (And then I was trying to pronounce 'Martijn Garritsen' in the Dutch way for my friend, and apparently I couldn't do it as well as I thought.) Speaking of Garrix...VIRUS IS TAKING OVER ME. I know all the lyrics as of today and it is definitely my new favorite song this month. Everything about it is so beautiful to me, and I still get overwhelmed by it. I literally woke up three times this morning with it stuck in my head.
     We had just gotten home from church today, I walked in the house and there was a freaking 40" TV in the living room. My parents put it in their room so they can watch Amazon Prime. It's a Smart TV so it even has YouTube on it...next time I'm home alone I'm totally gonna play Podcast 033 (and a bunch of others) through it high volume. It'll be so awesome. (When I do, I'll get a picture to show you guys!!)
Speaking of watching stuff, I watched Hellberg's first Q&A vlog today. Literally my first thought before watching it was "is Rich Edwards going to be in it and is he going to say something about Soundcloud". The whole time Hellberg was sitting there in his chair, and at the very end it went black and then it showed Rich sitting in the same chair. He said "Rich Edwards wants to know, do you follow Rich Edwards on Soundcloud?" I just burst out laughing.
Last but not least...I'm going back to New York at the end of October!!! I've been once before on a roadtrip, and this time I'm going with some of my family to see American in Paris on Broadway! We're staying two nights in a hotel, and...WE'RE FLYING THERE! I'm so excited because I haven't gotten to fly in 2 1/2 years. I just love it because of the thrill and adventure. And of course my first thought when my mom said we were going to NY was "how close will I be to Anna Yvette". #MonstercatFanProblems
Tell me how you guys are doing! I know some of you are starting school tomorrow...

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