Chpt. 8 'The Park' and TaoRis

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Do's POV
While Luhan hyung was gone on his date with Sehun, I decided to call up Tao and Xiumin if they wanted to hang out with me since I had nothing better to do, plus today was our day's off at work as well. They both said yes so we decided to meet up at a park

It was a perfect day to be out, the sun shining and the temperature was not too cold nor hot

When we met up, Tao decided to buy bubble tea at a bubble tea stall outside, it did look pretty good so Xiumin paid for all of our drinks

Right then, when I was about to take a sip I saw Chanyeol along with his other friends, of course Sehun was missing
Seeing him gave me goosebumps after what happened the other day, but when I look to the opposite direction, there came Kai and his friends.
My jaw dropped in awe, luckily if it wasn't for Xiumin, my bubble tea would have gone to waste as well.

"Aigoo, what's gotten into you Kyungsoo?" Xiumin asked staring at me while waving one of his hands in front of my face
"It looks like he saw someone naked walk by" Tao joke laughing at his own joke
"Hahaha Tao, but I don't think that's the situation" Xiumin said as he used his forefinger to point to the direction I was looking at "Oh, it's Kai and Chanyeol ah, what a surprise to see them here"

At the mention of their names I finally snapped back into reality

"Guys," I started turning around "we really should go somewhere else I really don't want to-"

But of course this always happen, I'm always cut off but the voice of someone shouting my name
Ugh that scumbag I'm gonna get him good
Turning back around I see Chanyeol bouncing up to me with his friends coming from behind, following them was Kai and his friends, who I guess were Lay and Suho
"Xiuminnie hyung.....who's that guy behind the guy who's bouncing? He looks tall and scary, but he keeps staring at me which makes things worse" Tao asked Xiumin while hiding behind him
"Don't worry Tao, your perfectly safe nothing's gonna happen" Xiumin flashed a smile at Tao though Tao didn't really trust him

"Hahaha Chanyeol, and Kai what are you guys doing here?"
"Bwo? You know this guy?" Chanyeol asked as he pointed at Kai looking dumbfounded
"Sure, we're friends too" I said flashing a smile to both of them
"Yah! Who are you to point at me" Kai sneered at Chanyeol
"M-mianhe" Chanyeol apologized creating a bigger space between him and Kai
"Hahaha I was just kidding you don't have to be afraid of me" Kai laughed


While the three groups of friends were talking with eachother and introducing themselves, Tao excused himself saying he had to go to the bathroom, located where trees and bushes grow (just imagine a forest sort of, but a mini one)
Though for some reason while he was walking there he felt someone following him but when he turned around he saw nothing, shrugging it off, he went into a bathroom stall

After coming out of it, to his surprise, he saw a man leaning back on the wall of the bathroom place with his arms cross seemingly to be waiting for someone
Out of reflexes, Tao yelp causing the man to look at him amuse

To his surprise again, it was the guy who kept staring at him while walking behind the guy name 'Chanyeol'

"A-a-annyeonghaseyo" Tao stuttered as he bowed to the man
"Annyeonhaseyo" the guy bowed back
"I'm Kris"
"O-oh..I'm Tao"
"Nice to meet you" Kris said in English
"Uh....y-yo too" Tao replied
(A/n btw I spelled it that way intentionally since Tao is not that good at English yet)
"HAhaha your English is cute" Kris chuckled
"Haha sorry, I'm not too good at English"
"That's fine"
"Btw can I ask you something?" Without waiting for a reply, Tao started blurting out his questions "why were you staring at me? Why did you follow me all the way over here? And why aren't you with your friends?!"

"Ok, 1, you reminded me of a panda, 2, I thought you might need company since you seem like you get easily scared, and 3, same reason as 2" Kris said smirking while counting off his fingers
"aish, gege, im still not satisfied with the answers" Tao crossed his arms glaring at Kris

"Even the way you talk is cute and childish" Kris said smirking while suddenly slowly leaning in closer to Tao
Panicking and not knowing what to do, Tao slapped the day lights out of Kris (I'm exaggerating :P)

"Aissh, that hurt why did you do that" Kris said rubbing his cheeks while glaring at Tao
"IM STRAIGHT NOT GAY!" Tao screeched (a/n XD)
"Sure you are, plus I wasn't gonna kiss you I was gonna stop halfway to tease you" Kris chuckled "but I guess I didn't get to do that since you slapped me"

hearing that Tao chuckled and finally let his worries go
"Gege lets get back, you perverted creep" saying that, he earned a punch in the arm but a light one
Together they walked side by side laughing and joking around

Meanwhile back at the groups of friends
"Chanyeol, do you ever take anything seriously?" Suho asked as Chanyeol started cracking up when he told them how he is super rich
"Hahah yea, it's just that you do look plastic-y and rich but I just can't believe it I mean that's impossible to have a black card" Chanyeol laughed turning red
"Fine look for yourself" Suho said moodily as he handed Chanyeol his card
"Fine but I bet it's-" Chanyeol laughed but was cut off as he realized it was a real one
"" Chanyeol said trying to find the right words
"Exactly" Suho said in a 'I told you so' tone while taking back his card from Chanyeol

"Do ah, have you seen Tao? He's been missing for quite a while now" Xiumin asked clearly worried
Hearing what Xiumin asked Do, Baekhyun butted in and added "Kris has been missing too" of course Xiumin was quiet when asking, but baekhyun, well....lets just say he was on another level

Hearing Baekhyun's question Chen suddenly added, "wait, Xiumin hyung, you asked if Tao was missing right? And Baekhyun you asked where Kris is so that could only mean one thing...."

Hearing Chen's announcement, everyone perked up and became silent even Chanyeol, which was surprising

"What if they're...."

(Yahoo! XD cliffhanger! Enjoy this chapter and also shoutout to my two friends lovewolf_thao and bamior_markson
Please read lovewolf_thao 's 'Breaking Point' , Us 3 have been helping out with the story and it should come out good so stay tune for that and if you're a GOT7 fan as well, read bamior_markson 's JuniorxMark story, 'Marknior', it's great so far
Those are recommendations by me, thanks for reading this and maybe the stories I recommended as well, next will be on something)

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