Chpt. 9 "What happened?"

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"What if they're.."

Hearing those words everyone got the chills and shivered slightly and the air suddenly got heavy and dense and full of anticipation

-rustle- -rustle-

"What if who's what?" Asked a voice

Turning to look around everyone saw Tao and Kris emerging from behind a bush

"What if who's what?" Kris repeated again "what happened?'

Feeling a bit guilty and embarrassed for having the thought of those two doing something together, everyone looked away and some even pretended to whistle like nothing was going on. Everyone except Chanyeol, who was absolutely clueless.

"Did you guys do something together in there? Are you a couple now? What-

Before he could finish his question , Do slapped a hand around Channie's mouth to prevent him from asking any more

Everyone else groaned and facepalmed for Chanyeol's stupidity, while Tao was clearly starting to feel uncomfortable and started slowly scooching away Kris

Kris on the other hand was trying to contain his laughter, looking away he laughed quietly to himself

Turning back to the crowd of annoyed people and Do with his hand over Chanyeol's mouth, he suddenly grabbed Tao by the arm before he can successfully escape, which surprised the younger one and announced,

"Sure, we did it"

Hearing those 4 words everyone stared blankly at Kris who was smirking more than ever including Tao who looked like he wanted to dig a hole and die there

"What? I'm sorry Grease, or whatever your name was again, but did I hear that right? You guys did 'it' ?!" Suho asked clearly alarmed

"So what if I said 'Yea'?" Kris answered back while still gripping onto Tao's arm

"You did WHAT?!" Suho screeched fully alarmed now "Look IDC if your older than me or what ever but you clearly do not do THAT with someone especially when that someone is still young and innocent !" Suho yelled without taking any breath

"So are you saying I should do with you then since you're about the same age as me and clearly you don't look innocent??" Kris asked while smirking , again.

That seemed to shut up Suho, but not Lay, who stormed right up to Kris and started poking him on the chest while blabbering on about how he shouldn't have said that to Suho and done that with Tao off in the woods

Using this as an opportunity to escape while Kris was in daze by Lay ,Tao ran to Xiumin and his behind him

"Did you guys really do it ?" Xiumin whispered in disbelief

"Gege! NO! idk why he said that but we did nothing!" Tao shouted loud enough for all heads to turn to him

-facepalm- " were supposed to play along" Kris said glaring at the boy


"So that was all acting?" Chanyeol asked
"No sherlock, its not acting" Do answered back

Saying that everyone burst out laughing except for Do, Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, Lay, Tao, Kris, and Xiumin (OK maybe not everyone XD

After all the drama happened, everyone spender time with one another and before they knew it, it was time to go, leaving everyone groaning, but they all exchange phone numbers and emails with one another so to get in contact again one day

Arriving home, Do slumped onto the couch not noticing Luhan staring at him with his doe eyes

Looking around the room, Do finally notices his hyung staring at him
"WAH HYUNG!" do screamed "oh god you scared me"
"Hhahaha what took you so long to come home Do?" Luhan asked throwing a pillow into his dongsae's face

Explaining about the park meet up and the strange group meeting, Do went on to the 'big' scene ft Tao and Kris

Hearing all those, Luhan was rolling on the ground laughing
"THEY DID WHAT AGAIN?!" He screeched while laughing and hitting the floor
"I told you hyung, it was just a prank now-"
"Listen, stay pure and innocent got it?" Luhan cut him off
"Good now story times over go to sleep" Luhan said throwing another pillow at Do

"Yah!" Do shouted

After taking a shower (I'll leave that to your imagination XD)
Do brushed his teeth and went to bed in his PJs

-thonk- -thonk-
"Ugh...jjinja?!" Do groaned as he rolled in bed
Outside he heard laughing

Sitting up in bed Do opened the window to reveal Chanyeol and Kai goofing off with each other while throwing rocks at the window
"STOP IT!" DO shouted causing the two to freeze and look up
"Uh-oh" Chanyeol mouthed
"We're coming in!" Kai shouted back
"WHAT?!" DO screeched "NOO"
But it was too late they were already knocking on the door

"huh...who is it?....oh...oH! Its you Chanyeol again and....?"
"Kai, nice to meet you and you are?" Kai asked politely flashing a smile
"Luhan Do brother call me hyung"
"Nae" kai answered

Going inside the house Kai and Chanyeol sat on the couch smirking at each other

"Make yourselves at home, Chanyeol do know what again" luhan said as he began to climb the stairs
"Nnnae" Chanyeol stuttered turning red
"What happened?" Kai asked grinning

After fully getting dressed Do rushed down the stairs to see the two guys sitting on the couch like they were owning the place
-gulp- "w-w-what are you smirking at?" Do asked
"You" both replied at the same time.

(Sorry for the short chpt.!
I finally updated this thanks to one of my friends
Social media has been dramatic lately a lot with the sino Tao interview thing, and, wait for it!
the 1d and queens thing
Its been annoying these past days
But thank you for those who read my story and vote and put it in your reading list, thank you (/^▽^)/(/^▽^)/)

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