Chpt. 12

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There lying on the couch was Luhan and Sehun sleeping
With Luhan in Sehun's arms whose shirt was lifted up to his chest showing his abs

"Hey Do, your brother is gay?" Chanyeol asked
"No stupid! Idk!" Do whispered loudly
"Hey let's take pictures of them" Baekhyun suggested
"Pshh my abs looks better than his" Kai said crossing his arms
"Not your as*" Do said plainly
"......well...that's ... Uh.....SO WHAT?" Kai flustered
"Psh" Do smirked
"Guys guys guys, leave it to me I'm a pro" Baekhyun said as he suddenly took out his phone

Going near the couple he opened his camera
Suddenly he started taking pictures of Sehuns Butt and abs
"BRUH" Chanyeol shouted
"Shhhhhh!!" Baek hushed but it was already too late
Yawning and getting up Sehun and Luhan looked around with blurry sleepy eyes and gave each other a small peck on the lips

Looking around with eyes wide open this time they saw everyone staring at them and saw Baekhyun up close with his phone in front of their faces

Suddenly they turned red

"AHH" Luhan screamed
"UHHH ERR OHH UHREE" Luhan said trying to think up an excuse while his eyes darted around the place

"Uh ..err..yes Do..??" Luhan said nervously
"You didn't tell me you were gay.. .-." Do said looking down
"I-i-im not!!" Luhan said with eyes wide open
"Then what is that poker face doing next to you and why did you two just kiss?" Baekhyun asked behind the camera
'This is gonna make a good Instagram video kekekkeke' Baekhyun thought

"Just give it up" sehun whispered to Luhan "yea so what if were gay see look" after saying that he took Luhans face into his and kissed him
Flustered he push Sehun away
"D-d-dude! I'm a manly man! I can't be caught kissing a g-g-guy!" Luhan stuttered
"So What? Were a couple now, nothing to hide about it -.-" sehun said looking impatient

"OK ok wait a minute hold up" Chanyeol said putting his hands in between the two

"So like um... like if you like a guy you're gay?" Chanyeol asked suddenly interested
Everyone facepalmed
"No you dip brain" do said sarcastically walking to him

"Oh so like I'll be gay if I did this?" Chanyeol asked
Pulling Do to him by the waist, he gently laid a soft kiss on his lips with one hand on his head and the other on his waist while Do has his eyes wide open and he was stiff

"O.O........" Everyone

After 7 sec Kai gave in to jealousy and pulled Do away by the wrist harshly "EY STOP IT"
"Yah! Chanyeol! You don't have the permission to do that to someone you douche!" Kai shouted

'Oooohhh this is SO going on social medias' Baekhyun thought still video taping

Standing next to Kai Do felt his lips lightly and muttered "that was my first kiss..."
"B-bwo??" Kai asked shocked
Leaving a smirking Chanyeol
"Its because I like him hyung" Chanyeol said grinning at Do like nothing happened
"Come on Kyungsoo" Kai said pulling Do out the house
"W-w-wait! KAI DO!"  Luhan shouted

"Heheh well well look at what our hyung did" Sehun snickered while crossing his arms
"Hey at least I didn't 'sleep' with him" Chanyeol said turning to look at where Kai and Do had left
"Why you Easy Hyung!" Sehun said getting ready to murder him
"Not if you can beat me to it!" Chanyeol said as he wiggles his fingers behind his ears and stuck out his tongue "TRY AND CATCH ME!" Chanyeol shouted as he ran out the door

' I gotta find those two!!....' Chaanyeol thought as he ran outside in the night time
"Ughhh where could they be...!!??"
Looking around he looked for a place to  hide first away from Sehun who was having trouble catching him in the dark
"YAHH" Sehun shouted
"Shoot" hiding behind a bush he watched as Sehun ran past
After knowing it was safe he came out but only to face the side where Kyungsoo and Kai were
"Ohh!! Kekeke" Chanyeol said as he made a plan to sneak up behind the two and take Kyungsoo away but right when he was gonna go near them he stopped

Kai had took Kyungsoo in his hands and gave him a long pleasant looking kiss

Chanyeol's heart felt like it broke in half and had fallen to pieces
This was his first crush
He had kissed him
But now he was getting kissed by another man
"B-b-bwo?!" Chanyeol said as he suddenly started walking backwards
Turning around he bumped into Sehun who finally caught him

Sehun POV
'I finally caught him
But why does he look so lifeless and pale in the night time?'

'Well who cares I caught him right? :D I should be proud kekeke'

Averting my eyes upwards to the scenery where I was in, I caught two figures there right in the higlight of the moonlight
"What..? Is that..?" After squinting I finally realized the figures "Kai and Do??"
"Hey Chanyeol are you fine??? Look away stop looking at them!" I said as I shoved my hyung away from them and back to the house
"Hey Sehun...he was my first crush" Chanyeol silently muttered
"Nothing" he said as he sighed

"Hey...hyung..remember when I said I wanted to be by your side?" I asked after I got him settled down about what had happened earlier
"Y-yea, w-why?" Do asked as he looked deep breaths
"I actually meant it.." I confessed quietly
"O.O" "y-you meant it?? But you said that  you were just joking!!" Kyungsoo shouted surprised and flustered
"I guess it was too sudden heh sorry I've should've never said that.." I said as I nervously scratched my nape
"Uhm...." Do started "I wanna feel comforted can you help..there's so much stuff that's happening all in one day.." Do said quietly
"Can I kiss you?" I asked quickly
"Yah, do you think I'll let you do that? Chanyeol just did that to me!" Do squeled
"But i asked for permission" I said smirking
"I-i-idk" do said while his eyes darted all over the place
"I'll take that as a yes" I said smiling
Quickly I put him in my hands and placed him a soft long kiss
After the kiss I opened my eyes only to see Sehun and Chanyeol walking away but Chanyeol seemed to have lost his energy
Smirking I looked back at Do and place my forehead on his while closing my eyes
"You.." Do said softly and layed his forehead on mines too

I wish this lasted forever.



I've ran out of good ideas for this story so if you have any suggestions please tell me for the next chpt :)
There's a lot of kissing in this
Kekekek sorry
I feel like I really want to wrap up on this story so i can start on another story that I've been planning to do and I dont want to multi task since school just started and its gonna be yea..
Thanks for reading and please vote
I will write the next chpt when I get 5 votes at the very least :3
Thanks and sorry!

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