Chpt 11 What and Why

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"What even..! No, wait....Why even are we doing this!!?" Kyungsoo shouted inside the car before they got out
"Well let's just say.....we had planned this out in the first place but I wasn't sure if Baekhyun was gonna be apart of it but when Chanyeol called him and he said sure...well.... he became a part of it :)" Kai said as he shrugged smudgingly
"That didn't answered my question as much" kyungsoo said glaring at him
"Oh shut up" Baekhyun said as he pecked Kyungsoo's cheek
"............" Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Kai
"What?" Baekhyun asked fixing his tie while smiling meekly
'Were all gonna murder him' Chanyeol, Kai, Do

Finally they got out of the car
Do kept tripping when he stepped out because he wAsnt experienced in his high heels
And Chanyeol felt uncomfortable in a suit
Whereas Kai and Baekhyun were looking gorgeous and fine

Everyone stopped and stared at the group
'Wow she's pretty'
'Pretty lips and hair and big eyes'
'Omo! Oppa's are so handsome!!'

All of a sudden a crowd came and gathered all around them
'Are you guys celebrities?'
'Can I have your autograph??'
'Oppa can I feel your hair?'
'Will you marry me oppa?'

'The heck are these people saying when they just met us??' Kyungsoo thought with a disgusted look
"It was a bad idea, idiots" kyungsoo muttered under his breath

"Oh deal with it act normal" baek said as he suddenly smiled at the crowd and walked on ignoring the people until he spot a bubble tea shop
"Hey look! Its sehun's favorite drink! Let's buy it!" Baekhyun said as he started getting all excited

"Bruh" Kai said as he finished waving at the crowd and posin for the cameras
"Ooh oooh let's go kyunggie— er I mean...Seohyun....?" Chanyeol said awkwardly

"I will kill you" kyungsoo said glaring at him
So far no one has asked for his numbers yet, that's a good sign, sorta

After buying the drinks, they all went into a shop with caps and other things
Everyone was looking for their own clothing when all of a sudden they heard

Everyone stopped and stared outside

"What the fudging whipped cream to the rhinosaurus fudge" kyungsoo said as he stared at the guy who shouted that from outside
Behind him he heard giggling and laughs
Turning around he gave the three a warning but helpless look

"Looks like someone asked for your number what ya gonna do?" Kai asked
"No" kyungsoo said without hesitating
"No, ill go outside and tell him no"
"That's not nice" kai pouted

Stepping out he went to the boy, he was good looking and had nice eyes but he was a big short.  Kyungsoo was also annoyed about the fact he had just asked for his number but before he could say no the boy cut him off

"Hiii, My names Jimin" Jimin said "uhmm....I think I like you.." He said looking down wards
"Heh pathetic" kyungsoi muttered
"Huh?" Jimin asked looking up

Thinking about the name Jimin he suddenly thought of Jams
So..why not?
He ruined it for kyungsoo anyways so why not?

"No, and Jimin, you got no Jams" saying those words kyungsoo turned around and left leaving a broken hearted Jimin

"What.....what..?! I have no jams? I have no jams..." Jimin muttered sadly as he looked down again
But when he was about to cry, two of his friends came over to him one looking really lazy but swaggy while the other looked like and alien

"What did you say?" Chanyeol asked
"Since his name was Jimin I said he had no jams" Kyungsoo said straight faced
"Wow" Chanyeol, Kai and Baekhyun mouthed
"So, since some idiot asked for my number what do you want me to do for you?" Kyungsoo asked
"What else? Are you stupid? Pay for all the stuff we wanna buy duh, that's also why we came to the mall" Baekhyun said
"Can't you just ask that rich blonde guy or something ? I forgot his name Kai's friend, Seho? no was it, Sudo?"
"Wow just wow" kai said "its Suho, we would but he's not here, I think he told me him and Lay have important 'business' to attend to idk what"
"Well..." Baekhyun said as he awkwardly went to the merchandize center
"Omo!! L-l-l-look!!! Its SHINee!!! Omg! Minho's abs!" Baekhyun squeled as he fanboy over his favorite band when he saw their shirts there and a shirt with minho shirtless
"Are you gay?" Kyungsoo asked
"No" baekhyun replied

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