Chpt. 13 Rivals and Tao

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Note: Sm and their lawsuits with tao Kris and luhan istg


Walking past Chanyeol I felt an icy glare and pure dissapointment
I didn't feel bad
I knew we both liked hyung
It was a competition, friends and now enemies
Whoever won his heart would be his
Now it was time to make a move

Walking into the cafeteria I spotted Kyungsoo sitting alone at a table drinking out of his milk carton seeming to be in deep thoughts
Probably about me
Deciding to take a seat next to him I saw Lay and Suho waving to me mouthing "come here!"

Not knowing who to go to I went to my friends since he seemed to be in deep thoughts

Chanyeol POV
'Wow what a douche, kiss him, and not even coming to sit next to him
Probably being a pussy cat' I thought as I slid my tray next to Kyungsoo 'sup my KyuSoo!" I exclaimed excitedly

No one POV

"Huh?!" Do said as he looked around confused but then spotting Chanyeol "oh....hey.." Do said uninterested since he interrupted him from his thought

This hurted Chanyeol with a pain deep inside his heart

"Hey...if you want I can just leave.." Chanyeol said sadly
", I need company anyways" do said quickly glancing at the now happy Chanyeol

why did you kiss me?" Do asked as he tried to make eye contact with the giant but only failing when he saw chanyeol staring at him back

I can't love two guys at the same time...but they both kissed me and are close with me, how is this suppose to work!' Do thought frustrated

"What hyung? What did you need?" Chanyeol asked as he slowly took his hand and softly grabbed Do's chin so he could face him and look him in the eye

Do couldn't breath and so couldn't Chanyeol because after 5 seconds they both broke away and sat the opposite direction staring at the ground while their brains seemed to fumble around

Looking at Do's table I saw Chanyeol holding Do's face up close to his
Anger bubbled inside of me
And I almost lost it if it wasn't for Suho, who put his hand on my arm after seeming to be figuring out the situation
"Don't worry Kai, in the end you'll see who he chooses and when he chooses that person just hope for the best"

Sighing I looked back at my tray of food
Today's menu was fried chicken
'Better eat it while I can'

No ones POV

Chanyeol's next class with science and so was Kai
During science each person was assigned a partner
The project was to be dissecting roadkills
This was one of Channie's favorite...

Unluckily, his partner was Kai.
That Kim Jong freaking In douche who stole Chanyeol's first love.
His Permanent Love

They sat apart from each other and didn't even talk nor look at each other

"Mr. Park Chanyeol! Is everything going all right?" The teacher shouted "if you want I can partner you up with Amber over here, she has no partner"

"Yes please ma'am!" 'Amber was a lot better than Kai anyways' he thought

"Hey wassup Chan!" Amber said cheerfully as she gave him a bro hug "haha sup Ember" Chanyeol said in his best English pronunciation
"Aammber " Amber corrected
"Aember " chanyeol tried again

"Let's just get on with the project" amber said giving up

Kai on the other hand was assigned to be with one of the most stupidest girl in school, Kim Jidam.
Her grades were the worst and she was always so talkative and chatterish
Kai had to admit he envied Chanyeol and his partner

'If only she had feelings for him' Kai thought but of course he knew that wouldn't happen since everyone knows she's been having her eyes on this one military guy she met at her boot camp

Authors POV

As Do walked to his next classroom he suddenly saw Xiumin running to him
"Quick its an emergency!!" Xiumin said worrily as he tightly gripped onto Dos shoulders
"But I have school.."
" I already talked to the office and your teacher!" Xiumin said as he had an uneasy look in his eyes

As Do followed Xiumin out he asked "What happened?! What is it?"
"I-i-its Tao! And i-its complicated"

They arrived at the hospital room and there laying on his bed was Tao with a bandage wrapped around his entire body and head
Sitting near him holding onto his hands was Kris, on the verge of tears

"What happened!!? Who did this?!" Do asked shocked
"He got into a fight with this gang while taking a shortcut to the cafe since he was late and.....they left some damage" Kris answered for Xiumin
"When were you informed about this?!" Do asked as he blinked away tears

"A couple of minutes ago, Tao was taken to the hospital when people had found him laying in a pool of blood"
Xiumin answered tearing up while walking to the motionless Tao

"What did the doctors say? Is he gonna..survive?"

"They said he will have to be transferred to America after his injuries heal, because he's going to need some professional help with his memories, and also he's gonna need to have some surgery too, along with face surgery, According to the doctor, his face is messed up now and everything's off order"

"Why can't they just do that here?"
"Because his parents who live there is requesting that he's sent to america immediately for all those procedure, he's going to have to stay there for 5 years
(Making things up, I don't know how the doctor system works too well soo..correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit it)

"5 years??! No one told me he's going there for 5 years!" Kris exclaimed

Suddenly, everyone saw it from the corner of their eyes
A twitch from Tao's finger and then another weak movement

"Omo......TAO, HES ALIVE" Xiumin exclaimed happily as he started jumping up and down "not time to party yet Xiu" kris corrected "EYO DOCTOR" Kris shouted
Immediately a doctor came running in and checking on tao
Feeling his pulse he gave a single nod and smiled

Everyone cheered

Until they heard a soft mumble coming from tao
"mmmb mm m"

/updated yay!/
So much homework I'm dying
Next chpt coming after 7 votes

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